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search engine optimization brampton

8 essential WordPress plugins for SEO

search engine optimization brampton

Friday March 03, 2017 , 3 min Read

8 essential WordPress plugins for SEO

SEO work is much more than what meets the eye. It's a team effort of content writers and SEO team that work together to create SEO optimized content. But how do you know how well it’s doing on search engines? What makes you so sure that your SEO strategies are working as expected? Certainly, there are ways to know that. If you are working with WordPress, which is a pretty good choice BTW, you can use the following plugins to analyze your SEO strategies while cutting down on the frills.

• Yoast SEO

The most popular plug in among WordPress users, Yoast allows you to add SEO title, meta-description and meta keywords to each web page and post of your website. It is a comprehensive SEO tool that focuses on different methods of building online presence like adding Open Graph meta data, Twitter Cards, Sitemaps etc.

• Google Keyword Planner

When enquiring about the relevant keywords, who better than Google to answer our queries? With over a billion of searches every day, Google is an apt advisor of bankable keywords. It is offered for free to Google's advertisers and tells them the keywords they can use in their ad campaigns. A blogger can utilize the info like search volume, number of results, and difficulty level to find the right keywords having high search volume and adviser interest.

• SEMrush

When you enter a field, it's important to take a look at your competitors. You can do this easily in the case of implementing your SEO strategies through SEMrush. It allows for gathering analytics and important insights from competitor's websites such as organic keywords, backlink sources etc. You can design your SEO strategy accordingly. It is available on subscription.


It is the best free keyword search tool presently available. It generates keyword ideas when you type in a keyword. Those keyword ideas are gathered from Google's auto suggest feature that means they are backed by analysis of an extensive pool of data comprising search history and frequently searched keywords.

• LinkPatrol

Link building is an important SEO strategy and this WordPress plugin lets you manage your links pretty effectively. You can monitor your outbound links, clear spam links and filter out anchor text. It's quick and easy with a user-friendly interface.

• Open Site Explorer

It is a free SEO tool that lets you check data for the domain name you enter. It shows all the links to that domain name plus the anchor text used by them. You can see your top pages, linking domains etc. It's search extent is limited per user so you have to upgrade to Moz Pro Subscription to unleash it's full capacity.

• Broken Link Checker

It's a free WordPress plugin that finds broken links and fixes them while leaving your blog post unedited. It has its downsides though. Being resource intensive, it can slow down your server and thus, web page opens slowly.

• SEOquake

SEOquake is a powerful SEO tool which is available as a browser addon for Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari web browsers. It gives SEO related info for the domain name entered in the search bar such as page rank, when it was created and when it was last updated, alexa rank, etc.

If you are not well versed with how it all works, it's better to consult SEO professionals like Usoftware, Brampton for implementing effective SEO techniques to up your online presence.
