Add To Your Wisdom With These Quotes By Sadhguru
Dive into spirituality with these Sadhguru quotes
Sadhguru is an Indian yogi, guru, and a best-selling author. Many people know his name and follow his teachings throughout the world. He is known for his wisdom and spirituality. Sadhguru is also known for the good things that he does for people and the advice and suggestions that he gives them. Many people believe in his teachings and many of them love reading his books.
His real name is Jaggi Vasudev and he is a 62-year-old man. At this age, he rides a bike and goes around spreading his thoughts and beliefs and he even interacts with people by answering their questions. It’s not a surprise that such a man inspires and motivates a lot of people to do better in life. Not only that, he’s responsible for the growing wisdom of a lot of people in this world.
He doesn’t only motivate and inspire with the things he does, but he also does it with the things he says. And that’s one of the things that just make him great and inspirational. Hoping that you’ll also be inspired by the things he has said, I’m sharing some of them and their meanings with you. So, here are some inspirational quotes by Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev that will add to your wisdom:
“When your happiness is dependant upon what is happening outside of you, constantly you live as a slave to the external situation”
Inner peace is very important in order to live a life without stress. We must never depend on the things that are happening externally (outside our body). The only thing that remains with you till your last breath is your soul and that’s what you must focus on. Our main goal must be to become a being that is in peace with itself and the things happening in its surroundings should not affect it. You will find true happiness when you realize and implement this in your life.
“The fear is simply because you are not living with life, you are living in your mind”
The moral of this quote is… don’t overthink. Overthinking is one of the biggest problems in youth nowadays because of the stressful and burdened lifestyle. If you keep taking stress about one thing over and over again, it’s natural that you’ll start to worry about it a lot. And eventually, you’ll be afraid of something unfortunate happening. Well, it’s life and there are a lot of things that require your attention and stressing over only one thing isn’t gonna work. It’ll exhaust you mentally. Just take a deep breath and work with your best ability without worrying a lot about things.
“If you really pay attention to life, life will blossom within you. If you do not pay attention, you are somewhere else, and then life could go wrong”
Pay attention to the small and important things in life and appreciate them from time to time. If you just ignore the little good things in life and focus mainly on the bad and unfortunate ones, it’ll be really hard for you to live a happy and peaceful life. Just appreciate and feel good about the small good things that happen around you and you’ll find the path to be truly happy. Do this for your happiness… do this for your mental health.
“Every human being is capable of living absolutely blissfully within himself. They have denied themselves this because they never looked at themselves”
Nothing else but ourselves can make us happy in this world. No matter how many things you buy or how many things you accomplish, there’s still a chance that you won’t be able to achieve true inner peace. Just believe in yourself and be at peace with yourself. Do this and you won’t need anything else to be happy in life. Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev says that we must look at ourselves and try to be at peace with our soul rather than looking for happiness in worldly things.
“The contradiction within a human being is simply because he is trying to mentally figure out things that he has not experienced”
Many people are not able to figure out why they are in contradiction with themselves. Being in contradiction to one's self means having self-doubt. We all know that self-doubt is not a good thing to do yet we all do it in one way or the other. Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev wants to imply that self-doubt happens when a person tries to figure out a thing that he considers to be greater than himself/herself just because they have never done or experienced it. So, we must always keep trying new things because we have only one life and there’s a lot to do. Just believe in yourself and well, go for it.