In our today’s blog we will discuss about ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR BEING USED FOR LOGO DESIGNING.
Adobe was started by John Warnock in 1982 in California, USA.
It has much graphic software like PHOTOSHOP, INDESIGN, and ILLUSTRATOR etc.
Adobe Illustrator is one of the most widely used software for graphic designing.
The latest version of Adobe Illustrator is CC 2017. It was initially developed for Apple Macintosh.
The latest version the, CREATIVE CLOUD i.e. CC brought some new changes in the software, for example improvements in colour.
Font and program settings syncing, saving documents to the cloud, and integration with Behance (a creative collaborative network), as well as other features such as a new touch-compatible type tool, images in brushes, CSS extraction, and files packaging.
Adobe Illustrator is vector software used to create vector images.
Vector softwares are used to create graphic art of high quality which can be scaled to any value.
They are not made of grid of pixels but are made of paths which can be scaled infinitely.
Designers are intimidated by these advanced features, the program also has an unique ability to draw next-level shapes and then save them as a vector files.
Adobe Illustrator is better when compared with Adobe Photoshop since it can create images that can be as small as a stamp on an envelope and as big as a hoarding on a wall.
In Adobe Photoshop, the designer has to be very careful with the resolution of image he is creating and what size will it be printed.
So, Adobe Illustrator is best suitable for print media and 2D printing.
A logo represents a brand, company and business entity to the mass and hence, it is extremely important to use the best resources to design a logo.
An effective Logo can inspire new customers and business people to work with ones business.
A professional logo will convey that one is good at what he/she does and will build a trust upon the people.
But a sloppy logo can convey the message that the business enterprise doesn’t know professionalism.
The graphic designers will need to understand and analyse the true structure of the company they are designing a logo for so that they can create a logo that resembles and connects to the company’s name or idea.
Nowadays, due to so much of competition people are generally not ready to compromise with their work very easily.
So, they consult a professional designer who has a proper knowledge of how the logo should look and where can the logo be used efficiently without any problems with the designs.
Adobe Illustrator is famously used for creating logos.
A graphic designer mostly uses Adobe Illustrator for logo designing. Photoshop is not the best software for (professional) logo design. Illustrator provides great tools for gradients and effects.
One great tool for example is the Gradient mesh tool. Because of the wide uses of your logo from print to digital its better to have a vector icon that can scale.
The graphics in Adobe Photoshop can sometimes look a little jagged since raster images are made up of individual coloured squares, known as pixels.
Photoshop is primarily a pixel based program better for image editing.
Also file sizes in and vector based program is smaller than psd’s. Logos are designed in Adobe Illustrator as a logo is used:
In paper printing, i.e. business cards and informational flyers/brochures.
Website page design.
TV or Multi-media work
Business building signage.
Car infographics
Clothing & cloth printing such as tote bags.
And that is why Adobe Illustrator is a LOGO’s best friend!
It is very easy to design layouts, create design elements and even put raster images from Photoshop.
There is an dartboard workspace which gives the opportunity to experiment and sketch up your ideas before finalising anything.
Adobe Photoshop is build up of lines, curves and Bezier angles of which the coordinates and properties are saved in your file, meaning however you change the resolution your lines will be recalculated.
Illustrator files are not large in size in general, which means logo design artists can work on a project incorporating lots of elements without facing system slowdown.
Illustrator comes with a number of effects and filters and using them, a designer can make logos eye catching.
In Adobe Illustrator you are given the chance to freely illustrate your ideas.
The logos have an isolated background which makes it convenient to use it anywhere.
In printing, there are times when colour separations are needed.
The output from Adobe Illustrator can work well with colour separations. Hence, there are no troubles when it comes to printing a logo as well.
There are times that no matter how great a design is, it would have some trouble for the output as it is not as good as it was expected.
But with Illustrator, the output would still look great even in print.
Adobe Illustrator can actually be used for just about anything pertaining to design.
If the designer print signs or vinyl graphics, they would need to save it as EPS, too. Another advantage of using Adobe Illustrator is the ability to save the file as EPS.
EPS files make it easy to print sharp outputs.
Here are some steps on how to design a logo in Adobe Illustrator given in brief:
You can use an image to use for reference as well.
You can combine shapes like rectangles and triangles to build up a complex artwork.
You can always beautify your logo with different colours from the colour palette.
Logos often contain texts so, you can add text to your logo as well.
Just check everything and change the position of the shapes if necessary.
Save it for further printing and other stuff.
At initial stages, the graphic designers may find Adobe Illustrator to be very complex as software but when they become familiar with the software they will realize that there is no other software better than Adobe Illustrator for logo designing.
There a million of Examples available on the internet on Logo Designing in Adobe Illustrator, the young graphic designers can just surf through the examples to know how convenient and easy is Logo designing in this software.
It is user friendly and is used for designing Business cards, brochures, book covers, cartoons, charts, illustrations and packet covers as well.