LITZ Tech India Pvt Ltd an ISO Certified Indian IT Service company, headquarted in Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India. LITZ Tech arosed as an independent company in 2011. It started its venture in software service business
LITZ Tech has pertinacious and marked a series of achievements, our cohesive efforts have propelled the company from a barn startup to a cartel business span across two verticals in India. The organization on the whole comprises of two precincts LITZ Tech and LearnITZone
Trustee : Xavier Rajan Britto .J, Levale.X
Co-Founder Levale.x has made intrepid reconnaissances on his conviction of the future.With this own impact the firm was incorporated in the year 2011 June with two members in Coimbatore with tremendous support the company outbourned with 32 members.
LITZ has made several joint ventures and proposes to emerge as a global technology enterprise. The organization procured its international organization for standardingation in the year of 2015 as ISO 9001:2008 for providing software consultancy, development and training.
The organization’s IT outsourcing model helps it to perfectly merge offshore software development with on-site deployment
About LITZ Tech
A service oriented software company that obscured entire diapason in android development, infrastructure management, Technology distribution with motive of digitalization.
Mission : Empowering Business Globally
Vision : enchancing Excellence to surface
LearnITZone :
An unified solution provider aims to address a wide knowledge of spectrum opportunities to students and youths for employability. The key role is to give specialization to the students based on the current needs of industries and to make a successful engineers. Our perspective focus is on internship and corporate & institutional training to create a qualified engineers in IT industries
Vision : Levelling to passion driven with rebellious spirit
Mission : Learn for excellence and shine for perspective Goal.
Other Service
We focus on workshop & seminars , value added course for all branches, corporate training with qualified professionals we resist on practical training which invocates theroritical knowledge. Our main motive is to provide qualified professionals for passion driven.