How to go cashless with simplymovein.com?
Managing the bells and whistles that come with the maintenance of a home, the possible annoyance of coordinating and paying for the electricity, water, the internet and other amenities - one can utilise to the exact paisa during demonetisation – all these can be overwhelming. Let’s face it, cash-less is in and cashless transactions can be your silver lining in everyday affairs. So, Simplymovein.com offers simple solutions to what seems like a complex problem.
Going forward, given the cash-less economy, we want to ensure you can continue to enjoy the benefits of simply moving in, effortlessly and... digitally. Read on to understand what you stand to gain with our digitisation of transactions.
“I am looking to rent a space...”
Do away with the need to pay up huge deposits, brokerage charges! Simplymovein.com does away with the challenge of having to deal with home deposits, reconciliation of a missed rental payment, pending electricity and water bills, refund of deposit amount and more with a single pre-agreed payment that covers all the essentials and more.
This also means you have fewer things to co-ordinate and need to carry lesser cash - be it to paying your electricity bill, the internet service provider, the cable guy, we ensure that everything is managed for you.
“I want to let out my house...”
If you are letting out your house, we make it easier for the owners as well. That is why we go to great lengths before on-boarding a property on simplymovein.com. Transfer of pre-agreed rental or commission amounts, as applicable can now be transferred without having to visit your tenant. Also, the payments made to owners are after the Tax Deduction at Source (TDS) to ensure smooth sailing regarding applicable taxes for owners.
Cash-less and stress-free rental spaces
Taking our brand promise a step further, Simplymovein.com offers a hassle-free way of performing transactions, not only with an all-inclusive single payment offering but by way of extending smart exchange via digital modes like net banking, secure online payment gateways and mobile point of sale (mPOS) options for all our patrons.
You, we and the bigger picture- the Indian economy
Every time you go cashless though simplymovein.com, the transaction is accounted for digitally. This helps to avoid the cash economy which leads to black money generation online. And this helps in economic growth, we’re extending a hand for we believe, together we can help build a stronger Indian economy.