This Mother’s Day, startup founders open up about their moms
From unconditional love to nuggets of wisdom, mothers dish out a lot. This Mother’s Day, these entrepreneurs talk about their relationships with their mothers
Mothers are the OG superheroes. We might complain about how our mothers are always giving us advice, but some of these stay close to our hearts and are worth remembering for an entire lifetime. Their efforts, contributions, and influence on our lives remain unparalleled. This Mother’s Day, we decided to talk to a few startup founders and find out all about their special relationship with their moms...
Priyanka Gill -Founder and CEO, Luxeva Ltd

Priyanka Gill (right) with her mother
Best advice your mother gave you:
Have faith - especially when things are tough. Believe that the universe is working hard to make the best happen for you.
Your best memory of your mother:
I was in boarding school and we would get three months off in the summer. My most vivid memories are spending lazy winter afternoons in the sun, reading and doing nothing and mom indulging me.
What does your mother mean to you?
For me, both as a daughter and a mother myself, this relationship is about unconditional love and acceptance. There is nothing I would not do for my kids and I know the same is true for my mother.
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Srikanth Iyer- Co-founder and CEO, HomeLane

Srikanth Iyer with his mother
Best advice your mother gave you:
When I joined Wipro after college and quit within three months, I decided to start my own venture and took my first entrepreneurial plunge.
My mom said one thing, “Whatever you do, make sure it makes you happy.” I have found it to be very sound advice, especially after a certain age.
Your best memory of your mother:
Sitting with a bunch of my cousins in my grandfather house, forming a circle, and getting fed by my mother, one after the other. The tastiest food ever!
What does your mother mean to you?
To me, and I guess for many others, a mother means 'unconditional love'. She is the only person in the world who can offer love without expecting anything in return.
Priti Rathi Gupta - Founder, LXME

Priti Rathi Gupta
Best advice your mother gave you:
Simplicity and giving are two values that my mom showed us by example. The KonMari method advocated by Marie Kondo today was something my mother practiced ever since I can remember. She taught us about the joy of giving, whether it was thoughtfulness towards friends and family or to concern for the less privileged. Simple things like giving a diary to a relative who likes to write to ensuring there are blankets to keep the poor warm -- these are only some of the ways my mother taught me how to give. This made us understand that true happiness is in sharing your blessings.
Your best memory of your mother:
Making a phone/contact diary was an annual tradition for her. So, each January, we would make a new one. The names would be handwritten along with telephone numbers alphabetically, as per her instructions. Of course, the most interesting bit were the stories and information about the people mentioned there. It was like a small social we would do between us!
What does your mother mean to you?
I lost my mother a few years back. But even today, she is my guiding star. Every question becomes simple to answer when I just ask myself, “What would mom do or say in this situation?”
Hari Ganapathy- Co-Founder, Pickyourtrail

Hari Ganapathy with his mother
Best advice your mother gave you:
You are limited only by your inhibitions.
Your best memory of your mother:
My recent Japan trip with my mom scores high. She loves flowers and gardening and the fact that she thoroughly enjoyed Sakura and the various gardens of Japan was memorable. It was also special because the only series my mom binge-watched was Oshin, and it was great to take her back to that setting.
Ankit Garg- CEO and Co-founder,

Ankit Garg
Best advice your mother gave you:
Never lie!
Your best memory of your mother:
I was admitted to a hospital at a very young age. My mother sat next to me for three whole days without leaving the room. It was the most selfless thing anyone has ever done for me and taught me what true compassion means.
What does your mother mean to you?
Someone I can always trust and share things with.
Himani Mishra -Co-founder, Brand Radiator

Himani Mishra (left) with her mother
Best advice your mother gave you:
I grew up with two sisters and we were no angels, but my parents dealt with most of the situations without compromising on anything. What kept me going was my mother’s motivation.
She would say, “Together we win: chin up princess or else the crown falls.” And even today, this line has been a success mantra for me in every aspect of life, family, and work.
Your best memory of your mother:
My youngest sister Ratan was getting married. Having no brother, I was helping my father. I was managing things running all around, finalising caterers, decorators and attending the ‘baratis’ (groom’s party). A relative told my mother, “Himani’s name should be ‘Beta’ instead of ‘Bittu’ (my nickname).” She was on cloud nine and kept telling everyone about my all my work. It was a very emotional moment for me. I almost teared up, and all my tiredness melted away in sight of my mother.
What does your mother mean to you?
My mother is my role model. I would describe her as balanced, mature, strong, disciplined, sensitive, and a go getter. When anybody asks me who my inspiration is, the first name that comes to my mind is my mother. I feel my mom is the best manager in the world. The way she manages our house and the ethics and learnings she imparted to us in our childhood, have always stayed with me.
Hitesh Dhingra -Founder, The Man Company

Hitesh Dhingra
Best advice your mother gave you:
I got my entrepreneur genes from my mother. She was a banker, who aspired to run her own business but couldn’t.
She taught me not to be afraid of failure, to always play on front foot and keep my head high in tough situations.
Your best memory of your mother:
I am a first-generation entrepreneur in a middle-class family of professionals. In 2009, when I decided to start up leaving aside my comfortable high paying job, everyone in the family was against it except my mother. She stood with me throughout. Her optimism and belief made me more responsible and shaped my career. That’s something I will always remain thankful for and will never be able to forget.
What does your mother mean to you?
To me, my mother has been my hero and my biggest inspiration. It’s amazing to see how many roles a mother can play and how well she manages to balance each of them. For me, a mother stands for unconditional love, sacrifices, friendship and a mentorship.
Mayank Bhangadia-CEO and Co-Founder, Roposo

Mayank Bhangadia (centre) with his family
Best advice your mother gave you:
My mother showed me how to grow a plant and showed me the time and effort it takes to reap benefits. She taught me to be patient, and this is what we did with Roposo- waited for the app to be what it is today.
Your best memory of your mother:
Back in Indore, my mother would take me to eat 'kiss', a famous street food every time I achieved something academically. I would look forward to it and learned the benefits of positive motivation. It is something I try doing with my daughter today.
What does your mother mean to you?
My mother taught me how to come to terms with emotions and how to channel them to be constructive in life. She acts as my mentor and my friend at the same time.
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