Game of Thrones SWOT analysis: Who will sit on the Iron Throne?
Daenerys has a dragon, Jon is a righteous man, Sansa has unmatched political acumen, Arya is a deadly assassin, and Bran has infinite knowledge. Brain or brawn? What are the qualities that a leader, real-life or on Game of Thrones, should have – a SWOT analysis
“When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die.”
Ominous words by Cersei Lannister that are more critical than ever, especially in the light of recent developments. Unless you are caught up with the latest episode – season 8 episode 5, The Bells – this is the right time to stop as this post is full of spoilers. You have been warned.
Right since the beginning, showmakers David Benioff and D. B. Weiss have been setting us up for this very moment – when the Night King and the army of the undead has been dealt with and when the evil queen Cersei has been taken care of. Game of Thrones has always been a political drama - with the Iron Throne as the ultimate prize. And hence, a finale that decides the fate of the realm could be the only fitting end.

But nothing in Westeros is simple. While Daenerys seemed to be the apt choice, after the latest episode, maybe not as much. Now, the contenders are multiple. But there can be only one true heir of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros. Although a piece of fiction, the politics of Game of Thrones is still surprisingly relatable in today’s age.
From power-hungry rulers to claims of inheritance, everything reeks of political overtones that apply to current times. In that case, there could be multiple possibilities for the ending based on analysis and calculation. To make it simpler, we have done a SWOT analysis, character by character to determine who could be best suited to win this Game of Thrones.
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Daenerys Targaryen

Actor Emilia Clarke as Daenerys Targaryen
Strength: Being the last of the Targaryens (until Jon Snow’s parentage becomes common knowledge), Dany is technically the rightful heir to the throne. She has proven to be a worthy leader, just and kind to her subjects and those loyal to her. She is also the only dragon-rider in the world right now, making her a powerful contender capable of protecting her subjects and taking down her foes.
Weakness: Temperamental in nature, Daenerys has taken rash decisions. Case in point, the death by fire for Randyll and Dickon Tarly and [spoiler alert] Lord Varys and the entire city of King’s Landing.

Opportunity: She has successfully crushed her last rival. With the fall of King’s Landing and Cersei herself, there is no worthy opponent in the whole of Westeros to challenge Daenerys. And she continues to have the support of the Unsullied army, the Dothrakis, and she has Drogon, her last remaining dragon.
Threat: The one and the only threat challenging Daenerys’ status quo right now is Jon Snow. If the realm is made familiar to his lineage and if Jon chooses to contest the throne, it could be a battle between Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow/Aegon Targaryen.
Conclusion: For almost 10 years and across eight seasons, we have seen Daenerys fight for what is hers. We have cried with her, rooted for her, but her actions in the latest episode changes everything. If the queen follows in the Mad King’s footsteps, could she be worthy of the throne any longer?
Jon Snow

Actor Kit Harrington plays the role of Jon Snow

Strength: The son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark, Jon exhibits the best of both the houses. He is a capable warrior, brave swordsman, righteous ruler, and a loyal brother and son. With the revelation of his true lineage, Jon is increasingly being seen as a deserving candidate for the Iron Throne.
Weakness: His lack of ambition. He doesn’t want to be a King. Sometimes, Jon’s inherent righteousness makes him blind to the cunnings of the world and most importantly, to that of his competition.

Opportunity: A king is a king because of his subjects. Jon Snow is widely admired by the Northerners and in recent times, he has also emerged as a favourite among those down South. Above all, the wisest men of Westeros Tyrion and Varys have also discussed the probabilities and advantages of Jon coming to power.
Threat: Daenerys turning against him. Despite the love between the two, there has been tension ever since Jon revealed his true parentage to her. If hot-headed Queen Danny decides to go all fire and fury on Jon or his sisters or even the entire North, it could serve a severe blow to Jon.
Conclusion: Dany and Jon’s relationship could serve as a cornerstone to the fate of Game of Thrones. I have two reasons why Jon should contest the throne. He already scores on popularity and him joining the race would mean a fair competition, and Jon is the perfect foil to Daenerys - righteous vs temperamental.
Sansa Stark

Sophie Turner (right) as Sansa Stark
Strength: Little dove? No more. Sansa, through her trials and tribulations, has transformed, demonstrating quick-thinking and rationality. Learning from the best - Cersei - Sansa is perhaps the only one who understands that it is the game for the throne.
Weakness: Unlike her brother Jon and sister Arya, Sansa is not a trained fighter. She has never participated in a single war and to be a ruler, one needs to have a fair knowledge of warfare.

Opportunity: In Jon’s absence, Sansa has proven her skills as an administrator in the North. She has formed strategic alliances in the past and has garnered the support of the Northern Lords.
Threat: She has no claim to the throne, but inheritance (or lack thereof) is not what stands in her way. Daenerys does. The dragon queen is well aware of the opposition from Sansa and it’s highly likely that she would attempt to take this hurdle out of her path. One way or another.
Conclusion: The little dove has come a long way, against all odds and expectations. From hardships she learnt to be patient, from her adversaries she learnt to be clever, and from the company of her brothers, sisters, and countrymen, she learnt loyalty. Sansa could be a calm, composed, and compelling young leader - something Westeros needs at the moment.
Arya Stark

Maisie Williams as Arya Stark
Strength: Pint-sized Arya Stark mustn’t be mistaken for her size. She is fierce, extremely well-trained in the art of sword-fight, and she has other secret skills up her sleeves as well. The art of being faceless for one. Add to this, her resolute to take down her enemies, and there is no one as feisty as her.
Weakness: She is consumed by her one true purpose. Since her time training with the Faceless Men in the House of Black and White, Arya has been driven by only one goal – to strike the names off her kill-list. A reason why she probably leaves Winterfell and heads towards King’s Landing in Game of Thrones season 8 episode 4.

Opportunity: No one will see Arya Stark coming – look what happened to the Night King. Whether it is her small stature or deceptive age, someone unfamiliar with her deadly assassin side won’t suspect Arya to be capable of causing harm.
Threat: Arya is a Stark and Queen Daenerys might want to get rid of her if and when the time comes. Especially, since Arya has voiced her support for Sansa already.
Conclusion: They say big things come in small packages. And Arya Stark is the living embodiment of this theory. She is young, agile, fierce, and truly a force of nature. If she could take down someone as fearsome as the Night King, is it too much of a stretch to imagine her on the Iron Throne someday?
Bran Stark

Isaac Hempstead Wright as Bran Stark
Strength: Knowledge of the Seven Kingdoms and beyond the wall, of the past, present, and the future. Bran doesn’t even identify himself as a Stark anymore, which makes him the perfect non-partisan candidate for the ruler’s post.
Weakness: Once the Stark heir, Bran is wheel-chair bound after a tragic fall from the tower. But Bran’s weakness lies in his identity - he no longer relates to the material world. And we know the Iron Throne and the power that comes along with it is materialistic and very real.

Opportunity: Knowledge is power. No one in the Seven Kingdoms has demonstrated this truth as much as Bran. It is his knowledge of the Night King and the associated history that helped the Starks prepare for the battle in The Long Night. He can also warg, which means he can see through the eyes of others.
Threat: With the Night King gone, Bran’s only threat is he, himself.
Conclusion: If the Stark scion could find a balance between his identity as a three-eyed raven and the male heir of House Stark, he could very well take the ruling position, alongside his sisters, in the North. And who knows, with the aid of a wise council, he could even rule the Seven Kingdoms.