Mind over matter: Rewire your brain with an emotional mastery coach
Wondering why you can’t keep your resolutions or stick to your decisions? Not sure why you procrastinate? Read what Antriksh Tatia, lifestyle coach, has to say about these problems
A chance healing experience prompted Antriksh Tatia to explore the intricacies of the mind and help people improve their performance, both at work and at home. He conducted his first workshop when he was just 16 and from 2012 onwards, he has consulted for over 1,200 individuals, including monks, entrepreneurs, celebrities, corporates and has addressed around 8,000 people at various forums.
Antriksh shares his journey as an emotional mastery coach with YS Weekender…
Where it began

Antriksh Tatia
As a student, Antriksh had a natural interest in counselling and hypnotherapy. In between academics, he also held therapy sessions. But, after a certain embarrassing incident, he decided to take a detour in his career. “During one of my healing sessions, I was listening to a client’s stories for over one and half hours, and as I was young, these sessions took a toll on me too. Later, the client stepped out to answer a phone call and I heard him saying something negative about the session. It was very embarrassing and that was when I decided I would no longer continue on this career path,” says Antriksh. This led to a deeper quest on what to do next.
“My search began and soon, I came across a programme called NLP. I enrolled for a six-day programme in Chennai. This course gave me confidence and changed my whole perspective on life” says Antriksh, who also had an opportunity to attend a five-week gurukul programme, where he found his calling. “I realised that I could add value to people’s life through these programmes,” he says.
What is mind rewiring?
“Mind rewiring is basically a borrowed term,” he explains. "In psychology, there are two ways to approach things - the Archaeological approach and the Progressive approach. Life coaching, NLP, New Code NLP and new age interventions come from Progressive psychology, where clean-up work is required much more than getting into the past and digging it up."

Hypnotherapy, counselling, regression and transactional analysis involve understanding the past
Hypnotherapy, counselling, regression and transactional analysis involve understanding the past," explains Antriksh.
Healing, hypnotherapy and mind mastery can have a positive impact on some people. Here are some of his tips on how to conquer some of the common problems of life...
Overcoming addiction
"Swish is the technique that one should follow to overcome addiction. Addiction is a habit that we may not be consciously aware of,” says Antriksh.
"When you induce your mind to intensely visualise for 60 seconds what could wrong if you keep following a certain habit and use the swish technique to replace that picture with a picture of positive outcome, it is easy to overcome any kind of addiction."
Start a good habit

Antriksh taking a special class
Many a time, we resolve to do a particular thing especially during the New Year when most of us make resolutions of all forms. The most common resolution is "exercising", but hardly anyone keeps this resolution. So, how can we use mind power to start and sustain a good habit?
"Induce your mind to stay clear of the inner narratives that stop you from pursuing a good habit. Delete the trigger pictures (it may be a bed or the alarm) and visualise yourself doing something and imagine the feel-good factor you get by doing it. Start small and celebrate every small success," says Antriksh.
Overcoming procrastination

Antriksh teaches people to condition the mind and rewire the brain
When the left and right brain are in sync and the inner narratives are in harmony, you should sustain the feeling and keep at it, till it becomes a habit. “Replay the last time when you were in a situation where you were successful, visualise all the goodness that surrounded that moment, and then it becomes easy to repeat that success. Reprogramme your mind to consciously induce that peak state of performance,” adds Antriksh.
Fostering a healthy relationship
The currency for any relationship is “attention”. When it comes to relationships, be it with your spouse, your friends or at work, it is all about how much attention you are giving to the other person, not in terms of time, but also in quality. It is also important to know what kind of emotions you are leaving them with.
"Make a list of top five relationships that are important to you. Then assess what kind of emotions you are currently evoking in these people. Thirdly, list out what kind of emotions you want to evoke from them. The next time you strike up a conversation with them, make sure that they don’t associate any negative or unresourceful emotions with you," explains Antriksh.
Only after you create an intense bond with them will they accept you as you are.
"If you want to foster good relationships, make sure you become a source of resourcefulness, rather than positivity. Evoking positivity will make you a people- pleaser whereas being resourceful will make you popular."
As a sign off, Antriksh says it is important to project positive emotions and amplify your own happiness. When you keep practising this, people will associate you with happiness and you will become an influencer.
As they say, it is all in the mind. When you condition your mind and rewire your brain, there is absolutely no limit to achieve what you envisage.