5 Content Marketing Hacks To Grow Traffic Quickly
Content marketing isn’t a rocket science; however, without a proper strategy, building audience could prove to be an uphill task. Learn 5 tried and tested hacks.
Content marketing is a cost-effective and reliable means to turn a start-up into an established business. However, getting traffic to your website can prove to be an uphill task if you do not have a strategy in place to hasten growth. Without a well-thought-out plan, you could end up spending a lot of money and man hours without making any significant gains.
Read on to learn about 5 tried and tested ways to significantly increase your readership within a short time:
No substitute to high quality content
Learn to distrust people who tell you that content doesn’t matter and promotion is the key to successful marketing. You might have the best of teams but if your content fails to capture the attention of your readers, the chances of traffic growing on your website will be slim. Your posts need to be interesting and thought-provoking. Nothing can prompt your reader to share your post if they don’t feel that you have something significant to say. Some would tell you that there is saturation in your niche area and that there is nothing more to say; however, this is never true. So, spend some time with your writers and encourage them to be innovative and creative.
Bulk up
Never underestimate the importance of maintaining a consistent supply of new topics. While coming out with high-quality content is obviously important, a trickle of traffic is all you can expect if you post articles once in a fortnight. Most successful websites churn out as many as fifteen articles every day. Do not worry if you feel that this number is too steep for you to match. Maintaining a steady flow of five posts a day could also translate into a regular flow of traffic to your website.
Learn from your competitors
Keep a close tab on what your competitors are up to. Be on the lookout for posts that are going viral and try to come out with something of your own on those topics. Do not feel discouraged by the fact that the idea did not come to your mind first. You can still generate some traffic by writing on the same topic from a fresh perspective.
Headlines are very important
That one ought not judge a book by its cover is an old idea now. The headline is the most important component of an article. So much information is bombarded everyday on social media that a generic-sounding article isn’t very likely to evoke a response. Try to make your writers realize the significance of the first two lines of your article. With dropping attention spans, most readers are likely to bounce off your webpage if the first two lines of the article fail to capture their attention. So, there is no merit in rambling; come straight to the point at the very beginning of your article.
Use videos and images
Images are always more likely to capture more attention than text. Videos tend to do very well too, provided that the content is relevant and interesting. However, it is important to keep in mind that the purpose of your posts is to help solidify your business. The best posts are ones that evoke strong reactions. However, do not succumb to the temptation of posting controversial/sensational stuff. As a business, it is always better for you to draw positive responses from your audience.
There a strong likelihood that post the implementation of the techniques discussed above, you may see a discernible rise in your web traffic.