Follow your passion, make it your profession, and do not end up in Monday Morning depression
Is it really possible to stay motivated and dedicated in such turbulent times? Is it an overstatement to say that motivation works only in books/articles? Can motivation and mind control lead to better productivity?
Is it really possible to stay motivated and dedicated in such turbulent times?
Is it an overstatement to say that motivation works only in books/articles?
Can motivation and mind control lead to better productivity?
Trust yours truly: YES, IT CAN ! Read on below, to get a perspective !
Prof. SAK's Top Line:
"Life around each individual is like a chocolate cake with a few 'nuts' in it....
Bite the 'nuts' and enjoy the cake !!"
Ideal scenario:
The most logical and fulfilling way of staying in your zeal and upbeat about every moment in your professional life, is to follow your passion as a profession.
However it is not practically possible for 'everyone' to make a career out of their passion.
BUT, still, there are enough opportunities and platforms today, that if you have 'realized your true passion' you can make it into your 'weekend profession' and start toying with it over weekends in your comfort zone;
If it sustains you get a way forward to monetize it, if it does not sustain, you still have a back up in your job, with no regrets.
Well, as per the scenario above, people who are working on their passion 24/7, are self-driven and self-motivated by default. So there is no scope for demotivation pangs or anxiety attacks there, because they are in their 'zone' !!
Practical scenario:
But what does 'self-motivation' mean for the larger group of corporate professionals? How do they stay in their 'zone' and feel good about their work?
'Motivation is not instant coffee, it is not a pill, it is an 'invisible hat' or as they say, 'a state of mind' !!
Motivation is indeed a state of mind; you have to wear that ‘invisible hat’ and feel upbeat, confident and assertive about yourself each morning.
Some people listen to their favorite songs and ‘get in their motivated groove’ !!
Some people work out in the morning and get motivated.
You have to identify what makes you feel absolutely at ease, and do that particular activity first thing in the morning.
Do yourself a big favor: DO NOT compare yourself to anyone;
Rather ‘GET INSPIRED’ by positive celebrities/achievers/mentors/businessmen, or anyone whom you look upto.
I would say, it is not a good idea to ‘compare’ yourself with anyone and get motivated, because this comparison would keep changing every year as you grow and then its not a long - term motivation factor.
Get inspired by ‘real achievers’ and compare your current state to them; and feel motivated to reach there; or feel in this way ‘how would this guy react in this situation’ and follow your reaction the way your idol would have reacted.
Example: Many people in business and I mean CEOs that I have worked with are truly inspired by M S Dhoni and his leadership style.
They watch Dhoni’s body language in tough situations, try to emulate his leadership style in their companies, they have ‘mapped his mind’ as their influencer and they follow his way of taking tough decisions, whenever they are faced with similar problems.
So emulating a positive vibe or positive results does infact make our mind at peace, and it signals to the body that more work in the right direction can get you those results !!
The key activity to achieve this sublime state of mind is: 'Self-Analysis'.
Which is the most undone activity by professionals, as they depend on peer-to-peer or manager's analysis and review and no 'self-review'.
Prof. SAK's bottom line:
"If I haven't won yet, the game is STILL ON !!"
---- SAK
Prof. Sameer Anil Karna
The author is Founder & Chief mentor of ‘The Training Curve’ and can be reached on [email protected]
Official page: https://in.linkedin.com/in/profsakinyourface