The four do’s and don’ts of thought leadership marketing
In the previous days, marketing merely used to mean advertisement of products and hiring of content writers for raving how great the brand is. In a technology saturated age, when customers are more agnostic of self-promotional activities, traditional advertising strategies does not work out like before.

Thought Leadership Services
Hence, a number of business entrepreneurs in these days are seeking interest in the new values of thought leadership. Thought leadership has emerged in the last few years as one of the renowned marketing strategies. It is more of a philosophy which is meant to stay for a long period of time. Originally, thought leadership confers genuine value to the consumers without a single hint of self-promotion about the business. Telling customers that you stand out of the ordinary in your own field does not seem to work anymore. The original idea behind thought leadership is that people can invest more time in you if you can convince them that you have detailed knowledge about the products and services, you are offering.
Here are five dos and don’ts for people who are willing to implement thought leadership into the marketing plan:
1. Show instead of bragging
The original point of thought leadership is the demonstration of expertise and not just talking about it. Your cabinet of trophies may be highly remarkable, but it is imperative for showing how you have earned them. If you have expertise in facebook advertising, do not limit by talking how much knowledge you have. Write few articles, instead, depicting specified issues which are encountered while running facebook campaigns. Customers will eventually be more interested in reading articles which will be helping them but help you to earn trust.
2. Provide instead of promoting
People have become more skeptical of online advertisement in the present days. It does not matter how much you try disguising an advertisement, you should never underestimate the ability of general public for sniffing promotions away at a distance. Hence, it is imperative to concentrate on conferring genuine resources for targeted customers. Hence, your social media channels, emails, and blog posts comprise of actionable and useful content for people who are interested in the specific field. This will be encouraging for people to visit your website time and again.
3. Depth instead of breadth
Being a thought leader does not indicate each and every detail about different aspects of the specific field. It is about being the specific person in your niche market to whom everybody will go. In lieu of producing articles in bulk, consistent stream of content, you should be shifting energy and concentration in order to create a comprehensive and thorough content dealing with a specific issue. This will be indispensable in driving traffic to the site and distinguishing yourself from your competitors in the niche market.
4. Analyze instead of assuming
Instead of assuming, you should try to analyze the issue. Respond to the questions of the customers on social media channels. Interview potential audience to find out what works for them and what are their preferences. Apart from making consumers realize how important they are for you, you can introduce innovative ideas in social media post or next blog post.