Youtube has grown to become the second biggest search engine just after Google, and also one of the most influential social media sites on the internet.
The platform has evolved truly as a community for video sharing. There are millions of videos available on youtube. It allows everyone to upload and share there content with millions of youtube users, No matter how bad or good the quality of their videos.
But eventually, the people who watch your video will only make your channel grow. but, how can you make sure in this jungle of videos? Your Content rank higher and catch the eye of your audience.
There are some limitations on the youtube platform. The website limits your ability to optimize your content for SEO. In Google, you have the freedom to optimize your website content as much or as little you want with very less restriction. Youtube does give you some features to optimize your videos but they are limited to keyword and description.
I have experimented with different parameters to come with the most simple and efficient youtube strategy. I have ranked in different factors which will help you to fully optimize your video for SEO. In return, this will bring you tons of traffic to your channel.
Watch Time
Earlier youtube has a very simple algorithm to rank videos. It was ranking on the keyword factor. Similar to Google, But lately youtube realise that the platform is been misused by people.
Due to this abuse of the platform, they spend millions of dollar to develop complex ranking factor system. The new ranking factor focuses a lot on Watch time.
Watch time simply means how long your audience is watching your video. This doesn’t mean you have to start creating long hour videos to rank on youtube.
Focus on quality content rather than creating long videos. If your video is long but boring people will not spend much time on your video and your watch time will decrease and affect your ranking. But if your videos are interesting and on the topic, you will enjoy high watch time which means higher ranking.
Comment with the keywords
A secret ingredient for ranking your video, which very few people aware of are the comments on your video. I have been doing video SEO for a long time and one thing I have surely noticed that youtube even consider your video comment section as a part of their complex ranking factor.
Example: You created a video titled “how to train your dogs” and in your comment section people have share different keywords in the form of comments such as “the best video on training your dogs” and other relevant keywords. This will help your video to rank much higher not only on your main keyword but also on different relevant keywords related to your video.
Encouraging your viewers to comment on your videos should be an essential part of your video strategy. This factor of keywords in the comment will not only rank you in the search result but also suggest your video in recommending suggestions. And that’s big deal because a big chunk of your views comes from recommended videos.
Earlier I used to believe that youtube work in very mysterious ways. Videos with millions of views tend to rank lower to videos with a few hundred views. but my myth was busted pretty soon. With a ton of research, I figured why there was such discrimination of ranking on huge view and fewer view videos.
The reason behind such ranking was high engagement level. Which simply means your audience interacting with your videos by liking, commenting and sharing. These responses give youtube pretty clear signal that people are much more interested in your video.
Make sure you appeal your audiences to like, share and comment which will increase your engagement level and make you a good contender in the eyes of youtube algorithm as the best video for the keyword.
Trends change keywords accordingly
Youtube allows you to change keywords as many time you want, Keyword changing is a technique which will take time to understand as it can be only understood by doing it by yourself.
Example: You created a video titled “e-commerce guide in 2018” But the year has changed and you don’t want to make a new video. In that case, You can update existing keywords such as “e-commerce 2018” to “e-commerce 2019” you can experiment with different keywords in various scenarios.
Give some time after changing keywords to see results, The ideal time according to me would be one week. I will also suggest you change thumbnails often to see what are the most catchy thumbnail and also make sure you avoid clickbait.
Speak up keywords
I used to think why youtube take so many time to process a single video and why it takes very few time for uploading the video. If you have the same question let me explain.
Youtube has developed different pixel detection technique which it uses to identify inappropriate videos. This is where the most processing time goes and other left time goes to recognize the copyright of the video with their complex pixel detection maths. But why I am telling you this thing, What it is supposed to do with speak up keywords factor?
Actually, I strongly believe that youtube while processing videos and doing complex things also convert the audio of your video to text. So it can recognize the relevance of your video and title. As Google is the parent company of youtube they share many technologies together which include voice to speech which allows youtube offers to you as a feature of auto-generate subtitles.
I would recommend you to speak keyword more often in your video with a clear voice so it can recognize the relevance of your video and title.
Use annotation
Nowadays many content creators avoid using annotations as they think it is no longer useful to the creator. Annotations help your audience to stick to your channel and also give you some extra views by referring your old or relevant videos to the audience.
It also gives you the chance to avoid or explain something in the video through annotations. Use them creatively and optimize all the features of youtube for a better gain of your channel.
Ask to share
I am separately adding this section and telling you to ask your audience to share your videos. Why, because of youtube algorithm which emphasises a lot on shares of videos. I have done good research to come up with this conclusion.
The description part is one of the biggest factors of SEO. If optimize efficiently can make a very significant improvement in your ranking. Using description as a Seo tool is not news to lots of YouTubers.
The comment section was meant to show relevant information about the video but Many people misuse the description section by keyword stuffing. This is very wrong and not good for the healthy growth of your channel.
You should properly utilize the description section with the natural mixture of information and keywords without spamming the description section. Play with the ratio of keywords, relevant information and LSI keywords.
LSI keywords are nothing but related phrases of your keyword. You can easily find such keywords with different tools such as youtube auto-suggestion and different LSI keyword finder websites. Such related keywords will exponentially increase your ranking factor.
Adding a link to quality websites
Youtube also consider outbound links or other website links as a ranking factor. Not only it is good for SEO purpose but also very helpful for your videos.
You can back your claim through different high-quality websites such as wikipedia.com and wikihow.com. This will increase the authority of your website not only to the search engine but also to your audience.
Remember Youtube videos biggest chunk of traffic which is about 65% comes from recommendation section of other videos. All the above factors help you to achieve that goal.