What Are the Core Benefits And Advantages of Using Self-Managed Dedicated Server for Your Business
A dedicated server with little or no assistance in its running and management is known as a self-managed dedicated server. A hosting that is done using such an arrangement is also known as unmanaged hosting. In this kind of arrangement, you get a server with an operating system and nothing else. You will have to manage other aspects of the system such as installing the right software and other critical operational features. The hosting service will only provide you with a functional server if you opt for an unmanaged dedicated server hosting plan.
When it is recommended that you opt for self-managed dedicated servers?
You Can Choose To Work With Self-Managed Dedicated Servers If You:
- Have excellent knowledge and deep experience in the handling and management of dedicated servers and know how they function
- Prefer using your technical knowledge for managing every aspect of your server
- Have a limited budget and want to use your money for other aspects of your business
- If you don’t want to depend on a third-party to run, manage, and make changes to your server
Self-managed dedicated server gives you absolute control of all areas of your infrastructure. Your data is maintained onsite which ensures greater security. You can also enjoy greater flexibility with self-managed dedicated server as you are at liberty to choose a specific hardware to match specific application depending on the compute requirements.
![Dedicated Server](https://images.yourstory.com/cs/1/dcc3a370-df40-11e8-8744-019ef4c95170/DedicatedHosting Plans1549265089565.png?fm=png&auto=format)
Puts You In Absolute Control
If you prefer full root or administrator access to your server that can give you total control, then there is no better option than self-managed dedicated server. You have the freedom to manage the server the way you want. Based on your knowledge of the setup you can easily tweak the systems to suit your business or individual operation needs. You can even install the software and applications you need without having to seek permission from the hosting service. You will remain in control of your server 24/7 and can run it the way you want regardless of your physical or geographical location.
Remember, once you choose self-managed dedicated server, you will be responsible for various critical functions of the server and cannot be dependent on the host to run these functions. So, what are you responsible for in a self-managed dedicated server system?
Your Responsibilities
- You are responsible for every single thing on the server after the host has installed the Operating System
- You will have to run all updates for the Operating System and software
- You will have to manage the configuration of all or any software in the system
- You will be responsible for the security of the server and will also have to ensure that it is running at peak performance
- If the server runs into any technical trouble or in not running efficiently, you will have to run the troubleshooting task all software issues
When you choose self-managed dedicated server, apart from enjoying the freedom of managing your server to match your needs and remaining in control of the server at all times and even from remote destinations, there is another key advantage that you can enjoy. As you will be pretty much in control of the server at any given point in time of its operations, you are free to focus on your business activities when you want to because the server will function to your directions and you can come back to it after you have dealt with any pressing business-related issues and needs.
Make sure you choose reputed and established dedicated server hosting services to buy or lease your self-managed dedicated sever from.