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Using The Best Mast Up Of Digital Marketing Types

Mast up digital marketing types

Using The Best Mast Up Of Digital Marketing Types

Saturday May 25, 2019 , 7 min Read

Hi to all,

In this part-2 blog, I am going to progressive about types of digital marketing. In part 1 blog, I explicit about digital marketing definition, working of digital marketing, why to use digital marketing. Till this, you may be covered about the overview of digital marketing.

Now If you are focusing to uplift your business or your band, you have some responsibility to consider. To explore your business and take into the next stage. For that, you should know the different types of digital marketing and its strategies.

I surf with lots of websites to know about it, at last, I found to know, there are almost a few types of digital marketing tool. To hit up your business or band it may work off.

Gee! Now we jump into the concept to know about it.

Types of Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing Person has a trump card to understand a varies types of digital marketing techniques to expand your digital marketing strategy is based on optimizing your efforts, rather than just implementing what you already know.

Yep! Types of digital marketing are merely divided into two-part, that is

  1. Inbound Digital Marketing
  2. Outbound Digital Marketing

In Bound Digital Marketing

Promoting your business Online with both Unpaid (Organic) and paid campaigns is called inbound Digital Marketing. Such as SEO, SEM, SMM, SMO, ORM, Content Marketing, etc.

Outbound Digital Marketing

Promoting your business offline or marketing your business without using the internet is called outbound marketing Such as SMS, MMS, Radio, TV ads, Digital Hoardings, etc.

Let we dive into inbound digital marketing,

Here some of the most powerful types of digital marketing around.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search engine optimization is the most common and high prominent type of digital marketing.

SEO is like a sculpture to shape your website or webpage and articles features as much as possible on relevant searches. SEO mainly focuses on improving the website rankings, that is organic advertising, which means not bidding to reach the position on the search results.

Instead, you optimize your website, pages, and articles, using various techniques to ensure that your website features as a top result when relevant keywords are searched If you have a website and you want to get more traffic, it should be part of your marketing efforts.

Types of SEO

SEO was divided into two type

On Page: Optimization of webpage content for better ranking by following search engine guidelines is called on page SEO.

Off-page:  Building Links from other related websites to increase the authority of your website is called Off page SEO.

SEO Techniques

Mainly three types of SEO technique is popular

White Hat SEO: Optimization of the webpage by following search engine guidelines.

Black Hat SEO: Optimization of the webpage by violating search engine guideline’s for ranking purpose only.

Grey Hat SEO: Violation of search engine guidelines in moderation to increase the ranking speed of a website.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

Make your website visible at the top of the SERP(search engine result page) by using the paid advertisement and following search engine guidelines.

Major Search Engine Marketing Platforms are

  • Google: AdWords
  • Bing Ads
  • Yahoo: Search Ads

SEM Techniques

  • Paid search ads
  • PPC (pay-per-click)
  • PPC (pay-per-call) – some ads particularly served to the mobile user will charge by the number of call directly by smartphones.
  • CPC (cost-per-click)
  • CPM (cost-per-thousand impressions)

Social Media Marketing(SMM)

To promote your business products and services through social media platforms by using the paid advertising. Nowadays the SMM is one of the most on demand types in Digital marketing strategy.

List of Social Media Website which provides Adverting facilities

  • Facebook more than 1.59 billion monthly active users
  • Twitter more than 320 million monthly active users
  • LinkedIn 400 million registered users
  • Instagram more than 400 million active users
  • YouTube 1 billion website visitors per month
  • Pinterest had acquired 100 million users
  • Quora 500 million registered users

Social Media Optimization (SMO)

It’s the simple practice to increase the awareness of your product and services, brand or event on Social Media websites to do publicity and drive traffic and customers from those websites such as. Facebook, Twitter, Quora, Linkedin, Instagram, etc…

Online Reputation Management (ORM)

The best step to make the customers satisfied in an online platform ORM is the trendy method to increase the online reputation of your business, product, service website on search engines, it helps in monitoring and improving its visibility on the Internet this is the most required Types of Digital marketing for business awareness. The important of the ORM is to help you to maintain Positive image of your business it helps in minimizing the effect of negative reviews on your business.

Content marketing

It’s the king for digital marketing. Content marketing techniques are used to focus on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract our target audience online to drive profitable customer action.

Content marketing is done by putting your self in the shoes of your customer.

Email marketing

Email marketing is a marketing technique in which a commercial message is sent to a typical group of refined people on the basis of their past interaction on their mailbox through e-mail. The number of emails sent and received by businesses is growing every day by an average rate of 4.4%. Some of the email marketing platforms are MailChimp, Active Campaign, etc..

Affiliate Marketing

It is one of the easiest ways to promote your products, brand, services or any business by referring the outsources that is an online retailer. To pays commission for them after dispense traffic or sales generated to your websites.

Affiliate marketing is performance-based marketing in which a business rewards affiliates for each customer brought by their marketing efforts. It’s one of the best career opportunities for youngsters and freelancer too.

Online advertising

Online Marketing or Web Advertising or Internet Advertising is a marketing technique in which we use the internet to deliver promotional marketing messages to customers by using Marketing and Advertising.

Online Advertising Campaign Elements

  • Banner Ads
  • Email Marketing
  • Pop Up
  • Blog Advertising
  • Mobile Advertising
  • Social Networking Advertising
  • Video Advertising

Mobile marketing

Mobile Marketing is a multi-channel Digital Marketing technique in which we aimed to target a specific audience through Website, Emails, SMS and MMS and social media on their Smart Phone, iPad, Tablets, etc.


Influencer Marketing

Influencer Marketing, which focuses to promote your products by on influential people rather than the target market as a whole on social media. It identifies the individuals who have influence over potential customers and orients marketing activities around these influencers.

Advantage Of Digital Marketing

Comparing to traditional marketing, Digital marketing is the boon for all entrepreneur by yielding profitable outcomes. Let move to see the power of digital marketing.

1) Reduce Cost: Even with low penny investment, you can able to reach lots of audiences never you expect.

2) Higher exposure: Your business level spreads over the entire world through digital marketing as soon as possible.

3) Brand development: In traditional marketing, you need ratio, Tv, newspaper to develop your business it like chew the rock. While digital marketing is a simple step to develop your business from the ground up.

4) Real-time result: You can able to view out everything in real time including:

  • Number of visitors.
  • Most active time of the day.
  • Conversion rates.
  • Bounce rates.

When you have the result handy in real time, you waste no time taking action.

5) Higher engagement: Can reach multi-audience in a single path through an online platform.

6) Good For All Stages Of Fields: The ground business as soon as possible it converts into topmost business in digital marketing.

7) Easy analytics: Can merely monitor the growth and exploration of your business only in digital marketing by using the free tool Google analytics

I think this may expound your digital marketing aware taken into a bit high. Do you like to have flow while reading, kindly checks out my Basic of digital marketing. Then you may have a clear view of digital marketing.

Thanks a lot to spend your golden time with me. I again catch you with another blog. Have a delightful day.