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Top 5 Virtual Talent Strategies for Recruiters

HR teams always wanted to be more strategic in their roles, and they must plan to anticipate and address talent needs for years to come. They had to adapt and become responsive during the current pandemic, and they are continuing to do as they are learning new things.

 Top 5 Virtual Talent Strategies for Recruiters

Thursday November 19, 2020 , 4 min Read

HR teams always wanted to be more strategic in their roles, and they must plan to anticipate and address talent needs for years to come.

They had to adapt and become responsive during the current pandemic, and they are continuing to do as they are learning new things.

Some of the key questions that always resonate in their minds are 

  1. How do they hire fast virtually?
  2. How do they grow the employees and increase workforce agility? 
  3. How do companies maintain a relationship during unprecedented times? 

This pandemic has left companies in an unanticipated situation when it comes to talent.

Talent acquisition before the pandemic was more focused on the strategic part, but now businesses are more focused on sustainability and to remain persistent.

Companies were forced to do work from home to keep the business up. HR teams also followed a similar path and showed resilience by hiring virtually. The major concern to them was how they could hire fast virtually with the same speed that used to be before the pandemic.

How can talent teams become a talent acquisition pro?

Here I am sharing some ideas that will help you adapt to talent strategies in this rapidly evolving environment.

1. Be Flexible

Talent management teams have to be agile and flexible, no matter what the circumstances are. With the pandemic, one would not have imagined things changing so fast.

We saw change management that happened over the weekend, and it was not a year-long process. Businesses planned work situations within days as the government asked most companies to either shut down or work from home. People were forced to work from home. In such circumstances, businesses have to flexible and change when needed and empower them to work independently.

2. Clear Communication

One of the biggest worries of talent teams was to make the employees more productive while working from home, and they also learned the importance of clear communication.

You need to have empathy and transparency in times of uncertainty and check continually if the employees are okay. Companies can create a social page for them where they can get and share information.

3. Take Advantage of Data Insights

We are living in the digital transformation age, and every day, we are upgrading technology. A digital transformation is an approach that makes companies agile with data-driven decisions. With the pandemic, remote and virtual hiring has become more popular to close more jobs with speed.

HR teams can move away from transactional work in recruitment. Companies should let them do what they are good at, such as human interactions, and let machines do the rest of the work. 

Companies tried to upgrade their technology during COVID-19. HR teams always look to hire the best people because it helps them to grow the company. Usually, the HR manager wastes a lot of time doing manual work. Imagine if these tasks can be automated, much of the time can be saved, and the HR manager can focus on other things.

Today technology can save our time by automating what we do and giving us correct data insights about candidates. AI-powered tools help recruiters save a lot of time, simplify the hiring process, and make hiring more efficient.

4. Identify the Organizational Structure

More and more companies adopt digital transformation because they all wanted to move faster and enhance rapid learnings. The organizations are continuously devising new plans for the differentiated business.

Companies need to assess the organizational structure in which the company operates and build the culture that supports the business strategy. If there is poor organization design, it can lead to overheads by expensive hiring efforts.

5. Focus on Employee Agility

Ever since we have faced the pandemic, there is unpredictability and constant corrections as companies are looking to grow in house talent.

Businesses need to understand the internal employees' skills, and they should also consider temporary employee assignments in different departments. This strategy helps build employee engagement and promotes career developments within the organization.

HR leaders should promote such activities by creating a page where employees can learn more about such programs of open opportunities and their benefits. These activities will create an atmosphere of transparency, and the HR team should continuously work on benefitting employees.

This pandemic has taught us that no one is immune to the changing environment. The companies must understand employees and keep communicating with them at such times. They should also keep the feedback process open so that employees or candidates can adapt and deliver.