Things to Know about Data Science Career in 2020
What is Data Science? how to get into this career? What are the skills required to become data scientist? If you have similar kind of questions go through the article.
Data is exploding every millisecond and the need to analyze it is also increasing exponentially. When the organizations are desperately looking for intellectually curious Data Science professionals to juggle their stored data, are they able to hire skilled Data Science professionals at ease? The sad truth is no, why because? Data Science is a new field and professionals are puzzled on how to equip themselves with essential job skills for this career. Well, the Sexiest job of the 21st century isn’t that hard to crack when you read this article.
First, let us see what Data Science is all about
What is Data Science?
Do you know even the ‘world’s tiniest product’ that is sold in the market is delivering huge chunks of usable customer data to its manufacturer?? All the procured data are safely stored in the company’s database and awaiting its turn to be analyzed. When we start analyzing this stored data, we can gain actionable insights that help in enhancing the profit of the business.
Data Science is a multidisciplinary approach that combines the power of statistics and programming to work upon the raw data for producing actionable business insights. Harnessing the raw data is not all that easy as it sounds. The data might not always be in the structured form and can be in any crude form. It requires an out of the box thinking along with mastering of Data Science tools and techniques for a Data Scientist to effectively do this job.
Why Data Scientists are in constant demand?
One of the often-heard questions is “what’s driving this huge demand for Data Science professionals??”. When we analyze this question, the first thought that crosses our mind is the tech giants such as Google, Amazon, etc started witnessing huge success by uncovering the hidden insights from their stored data. It is not only the high-tech Software firms that are looking for Data Scientists also many more businesses started considering Data Analytics as a critical source of success in this highly competitive business market. Ultimately, an exponential rise in the demand for Data Scientists is seen in recent times. However, the biggest challenge that these companies face is the “Limited availability of Skilled Data Science Professionals”. With the Data Science-based jobs witnessing massive growth, there seems to be a huge gap in skilled candidates filling up these positions.
What are the different roles available in a Data Science Career?
Apart from being a Data Scientist, one can assume many other roles depending upon their line of interest, such as Data Architect, Data Administrator, Data Analyst, Business Analyst, Data/Analytics Manager, Business Intelligence Manager, Big Data Specialists, Machine Learning engineer and more. These roles include a typical entry-level position to a specialist and also the specifics vary from position to position and the career path is fairly open-minded. There are even internships available for an entry role that often lays a better path towards a full-time permanent Data Science job.
Under this Data Science broad classification, we will have a detailed look at some highly rated job roles
Data Science Engineer: This role demands hardcore technical knowledge and involves dealing with hardware, software applications, and other back end infrastructure process.
Data Science developers: The ones who work with codes of Python, R and other Data Science languages and have the ability to use math and statistical technics are Data Science Developers.
Data Analyst: Analyzing the data regularly which are obtained from various sources is what an Analyst’s job is all about. In addition, providing Reports with appropriate visualizations that aid the business owners to gain valuable insights.
Big Data Specialists: Big Data Specialists are professionals with an in-depth understanding of Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Neural networks and with an ability to work on big data using various techniques such as Data Mining.
Data Scientist: Being a full-stack professional who is equipped with the skills to perform every aspect of Data Science. Starting from identifying the data sources, performing Data Collection, Processing and analyzing the data, building models and finally presenting it using Various Data visualization techniques.
How to build a strong base for your Data Science career?
This is the most interesting question of the day. Isn’t it?
Currently, the Data Science career is the most rewarding career and many professionals are looking for a most promising way to dive into it. To start analyzing the big measure of data floating around, your aggressive edge in understanding few essentials is required.
Look for Specific direction: Data Scientist is the common term and there are many sub positions available under this roof. Find out which subfield interests you. Whether you are an avid enthusiast in building a Machine Learning algorithm or interested in analyzing the neural networks of Deep Learning, find the specific niche and start equipping yourself accordingly.
Learn the Data Science tools: Data Science is not restricted to working on statistical methods and deriving a formula. Data Scientist is a decision-maker of a company and it is crucial to master the Data Science tools such as SAS, Python, SPSS, R, and SQL along with your Statistics and Applied Mathematics knowledge. In addition, the working experience on Hadoop and Spark, programming languages, understanding of machine learning and deep learning would beneficial.
Work upon your Communication skills: The heavy program codes implied on puzzling big chunks of numbers can inspire you but not the Business owners. If you are unable to convey the analyzed information in an easy to understand format to the business owners then you might lose the victory in your data battle. So, ace the ability to present the results in an understandable and easy way for your business owners.
Showcase your Data Analytics skills: Never hesitate to explore the data when you get the opportunity to do so. Many Data Science professionals find it difficult to identify where to start once they are done with all the studying. Start identifying the sources of the hidden data that are waiting to be used and apply your skills.
To conclude, Data Science is a booming field with lots of career opportunities and it is predicted to even grow more over the coming years. Equipping yourself with needed essential knowledge and practicing your skills will assure you a promising career in the Data Science field.