The Esteemed role of the keywords in Ranking
Some basic and latest keyword research tools
Today in this competitive world everyone wants to be ranked on the first page of google. As 1st page is always preferred by the audience. The results basically shown on first page are always said to be top and most genuine results. So in order to get success in online marketing or promotion of products you need to be on the 1st page of google first. Google ranking is based on so any things in which content of a website is king and given topmost priority of all and than step by step crawling is done on other basis like onpage seo and offpage seo and many other factors .
What is a keyword??
Now question arise what is a keyword and how does keyword plays a critical role in ranking of website. Keyword is basically people searching on searching engine any word or sentence which has a genuine meaning is called a keyword. It may be short or long keyword will remain keyword.So people searching out for something like Digital marketing course in Delhi this will be called as along tail keyword. Now in order to rank on this keyword on google there are many steps. You can add up 100 of keyword in a website but it should be kept in mind there is something called keyword density in a post which basically means strength of keyword upon all content should be upto 2% of volume .
Kinds of keyword:
There are basically two kinds of keyword 1. Long Tail keyword 2. Short Tail keyword
Here long tail keyword stands for Results by long sentences like Best digital marketing course in west Delhi , where as if the keyword is short tail it would be like courses in Delhi, Basically long tail keywords are used for results with specifications where as short tail keywords include wide range of results.
Salient things to be remembered while using keyword:
1.There should not be keyword insertion in paragraphs of content which after crawling by google robots will be taken as a spam.
2.Competition should always be on keyword which has a moderate traffic as it becomes easy to rank on those keywords. For example like books: this keyword will have a million of volume and less competition. So it would not be easy to rank on topmost pages on google by fighting on this keyword but keyword like motivational books by north indian authors will have less competition and it will be easy to rank on top most pages of google.
3.Keywords insertion should not effect the readability of paragraphs.

basic methods of adding keywords
Basic tools of keyword research:
There are some basic tools used for research of keyword and what is their performance on google.
1.Rank Tracker: Your best SEO key phrases are frequently not the most important ones. To discover genuine watchword pearls, you have to see all the potential varieties from various information sources.
What's more, this is the place Rank Tracker comes in particularly helpful with 23 different keywords research instruments inside it:
Recommendations from Google, Bing, Yahoo, and Amazon;
Google Ads Keyword Planner and Google Search Console combination;
Database of all SEO catchphrases your rivals rank for;
Long-tail keyword and question generator
Mostly incorrect spellings and changes;
And the sky is the limit from there.
Using the tools individually, you can get the most important keyword research. More to that, you can search the keyphrases' traffic potential and check out how tough their seo competition is. This gives you a chance to concentrate the SEO strategies and what takes least effort to get traffic.Your best SEO key phrases are frequently not the most important ones. To discover genuine watchword pearls, you have to see all the potential varieties from various information sources.
What's more, this is the place Rank Tracker comes in particularly helpful with 23 different keywords research instruments inside it:
(a) Recommendations from Google, Bing, Yahoo, and Amazon;
(b) Google Ads Keyword Planner and Google Search Console combination;
(c)Database of all SEO keywords your competitiors rank for;
(d) Long-tail keyword and question generator
(e)Mostly incorrect spellings and changes;
(f) And the sky is the limit from there.
Using the tools individually, you can get the most important keyword research. More to that, you can search the keyphrases' traffic potential and check out how tough their seo competition is. This gives you a chance to concentrate the SEO strategies and what takes least effort to get traffic.
In this way there are so many other tools like : Google search console, Answer the public, Keyword planner etc.