The Changing Face of Education Industry!
Then and Now
In the very early years of my growing up, I was exposed to a lot of co-curricular, exuberant activities that made gallons of A+ land on my report card. I was fortunate enough to complete my education in the best two schools of Delhi. The focus was to only bag 90% + and a whooping A+.
When I recall those years of walking towards the lush green lawns of my school’s garden every morning, I am taken back to the time when I thoroughly recited my school’s taglines right after stepping down from the school bus.
The first school said, “Education is a real treasure” while the second one preached “Strive for the Best”. Today, I make a living out of writing copies, and these two taglines have stayed with me, proving their essence by bringing out the best in me.
I was taught a poem written by Stephen Spender in the last leg of my higher education. An elementary school classroom in a slum – the poet discussed the problems and challenges of the slum and ended with a powerful rallying cry for equality, justice and opportunity.
Later, when I studied literature in college, I was taught Meta fiction, i.e. writers who bring realism in their words. The poem came as a flashback by Stephen Spender and it provoked an immediate thought about the same state of education system in India. It had challenges, drawbacks and loopholes that are now being filled up by innovative techniques through technological advancements.
A Typical Classroom Scenario Then…
Traditional learning or lecturing with limited resources left no room for feedback in the entire learning experience. One-way teaching system left many students incompetent to survive the ruthless competitive warfront in the outside world. The method of learning by somewhat doing treasured education on some levels whilst students strived for the best.
Back then, students studied through mock tests, essays, guides, sample papers and even (HOTS) – High Order Thinking Statements. These books costed parents extra money later and a student extra pressure. They were not exposed to digital learning whereas, e-classroom was a dream beyond sight. The teachers focused on grades, the students on ranks and parents on results.
The basic learning was confined just within the boundaries of the classroom and tuition centers. Technology wasn’t much affordable and teachers were not adaptive to the use of innovative learning through digital resources.

Traditional Classroom
The Change Makers and Adapters…
If one plays a role of a parent in the 21st Century, he surely knows it is one, daunting task. Change is faster than ever before, and parents are getting accustomed to e-learning which is way beyond easy to deliver than traditional classroom instructions.
A Typical Classroom Now…
The young ones today, begin learning right at the age of 4/5 by fiddling with their parents’ smartphones and tablets. The findings that I observe near my surroundings make it clear that digital education is indeed a revolution both inside and outside the classroom. Right from their bus-ride to bedtime, technological advancements in the education industry have transformed the way a student learns, evolves, grasps and grows.
Today, the way technology is developing, storing all the information in your cerebellum is not important. The internet has something for everyone, making every mindset of any age satisfactory and every solution to a problem clear.
Following up with the recent times, technology is to be credited to bring about the promptness in which a lesson, chapter or a course is delivered.

Digital Classroom
Amongst the many advantages…
· Better ability to grasp a topic and apply in real-life
· A Higher number of achievers
· An accessible approach towards digital learning
· Effective for tutors
· Overall Development in a child’s personality
· Sharpening of analytical thinking – better than one-way communication
· Open and Honest Exchange of ideas between the two parties
The change that technology in education has bought in the industry is massive. It has tremendously bridged the gap between home-learning and school-learning. A classroom is now a place for open debates, extempore and discussions. A parent is now, fully updated about her/his ward’s learnings and shortcomings which is by far the best change this revolution has welcomed.
I believe, it is about time to align with the change technological advancement has bought in teaching, learning and executing.
Beyond the classroom learning and teaching is what 21st-Century leaders should best strive for to make education a real treasure!