Simple Tricks to Get More Google Reviews
Many people today rely on Google Reviews to form an impression of a firm or business. If you are just starting as a firm, getting Google Reviews can be difficult. We list down some simple tricks to generate more Google Reviews
People online are becoming increasingly dependent on online reviews. When was the last time you bought something online without at-least glancing over the reviews? An online review is a personal recommendation in many ways.
Google is one of the largest aggregators of review online. All kinds of businesses, from tech firms and finance houses to restaurants and bars, you can find a Google review on them.
Google’s search algorithm now considers reviews amongst a leading factor in site rankings. Thus even from an SEO standpoint, increasing the volume and quality of Google Reviews leads to improving a site’s visibility and traffic.

The challenge thus lies in making customers write reviews on Google. We go over some simple tricks you can use to persuade buyers and customers to give their feedback on Google Reviews.
Just Ask, Politely
A simple way is to ask customers for Google reviews. Whatever business you may run, ask your employees to ask customers for reviews. Make the process easier by giving them links or QR codes.
If you run a restaurant, train your serving staff to ask customers for Google reviews. If you run an online business, create sophisticated email campaigns to reach out to customers for feedback. This approach not only helps to improve the volume of your reviews but also ingrains relationship marketing in your firm’s culture.
Leverage your Customer Service Team
If you happen to have a team of professionals dealing with customer service, it would probably be a good idea to use them for increasing Google Review to your business.
The right way to do so would be to create a script for the team to follow. Like closing a sales pitch, making a customer give a review is not very simple. A good customer care executive has exceptional communication skills and nuance to deal with customers and persuade them to perform an action.
While our writing the script, try to personable and affable with the customers. Be sure to thank for buying the product or service in question, and gently nudge them to give quick feedback on Google.
To motivate your customer service team, provide incentives to the person who can bring in the most reviews. The nature of the incentive depends on the work culture of the firm. Ideally, its something your team can easily be motivated by.
Broadcast Google Review link across all communication channels
Use your website and other social media channels to reach out to customers and ask them for a short review. Many firms build in-app or website pop-ups to redirect users to the Google Reviews page. While forcing customers to write reviews would prove harmful, there is nothing wrong in requesting users to give some feedback.
Respond to Reviews
Always give a quick reply to every review coming on. Any potential reviewer would be more inclined to give feedback if he/she is convinced that a response would come.
Responding to good reviews is easy, but the challenge lies in replying to poor reviews. Create a standard template for replying to every kind of review. In case a review is bad, train your team to work out a solution for the aggrieved reviewer.
Don’t forget to provide good service
Increasing the volume of reviews is good, but if most reviews are bad, things could go into a tailspin for your business.
Never forget improving the product or service you’re selling. Negative reviews hurt upcoming businesses, and so you have to constantly strive to improve your own business. All the Google Review Tips mentioned above wouldn’t matter if your inherent service is lacking. Before anything, find the faults in your business and rectify them.
About Author
Gaurav Heera is a Digital Marketing Coach and Affiliate Marketing Specialist. Founder of Delhi Courses, a Digital Marketing Institute In Delhi & an Internet-Based Company on the premise of helping people change their lives.