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Role of Blockchain Technology in Dapp Development

Role of Blockchain Technology in Dapp Development

Monday December 10, 2018 , 4 min Read

A decentralized application or Dapp is an open-source application, built, designed and controlled by various independent participants. Here, a contribution through token is a must to be a participant in the open-source platform. The maintenance of the decentralized application is done by the Dapp developers hired for a specific purpose or use. Dapp apart from blockchain is used for another P2P network as well. However, in the blockchain, it is used for more than two parties. Because of blockchain feature of anonymity, participant involved in Dapp is also anonymous.

Some of the prerequisites to run a Dapp for a specific purpose or use are, A Dapp should be working autonomously and should be on an open-source platform such as blockchain. It can work as a response to requirements based on which it was built, but it has to adhere to the consensus of participants. The information should be able to store on blockchain cryptographically and available to all participants at all times. The application should be able to generate tokens to be awarded to participants for them to use and access the application and these tokens should be as per standard algorithms. These algorithms are proof of concept.

Like a standard web application, Dapp also has frontend and backend. Frontend includes HTML coding and backend works as information storage. A decentralized application doesn’t require much complex coding, unlike a web application, as it uses backend coding arranged by the decentralized P2P network. The frontend can be developed through any programming language to makes calls and send information to its backend. Widely use programming language for Dapp development based on blockchain platform is solidity. It helps formulate smart contracts easily.

The most popular use of Dapp development is with Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). Moreover, Ethereum is used to build smart contracts. Smart contracts are built to execute various types of transactions or deals between parties which provides requirements and terms to be coded in, and Dapp facilitates those requirements. Ethereum being the most extensive used platform for Dapp development makes them the WordPress of blockchain market. Those smart contracts can be formulated by any individual who wishes without any technical background as there are much Dapps development companies in India and other countries provide EVM based services.

Types Of Decentralized Applications (Dapps)

Mainly there are three types of Dapp development. These are classified based on their characteristics and application:

Type I: the First type of Dapp development built from scratch. A blockchain developed for specific information storage and to use at a larger scale needs to use Type I Dapp development. BitCoin is the first known type I Dapp. This kind of DApp has its particular Blockchain. Bitcoin is the most well known compose I DApp. Others are with a similar arrangement are LiteCoin and "alt-coin."

Type II: In this tokens are used as mean to access already built blockchain based decentralized application.

Type III: Here, as well tokens are used to access blockchain based Dapp but it interfaces through a plug-in or an extension.

The first kind of DApp requires a great deal of time and cash as building a Blockchain without any preparation is required, it can encourage a long association whose necessities is to provide the data just accessible to parties they support of. Type II and III are practical and are for the mass populace. By following necessities of a said Blockchain like Bitcoin, anybody can be a part of the procedure.

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