The Relationship Between Product Experience and Brand Experience
Product Experience and Brand Experience are two different aspects but from time to time they can be related to each other also. It all depends upon the perception of the customers whether they will judge the brand over a single product or over the whole experience that they have gone through.
Product Experience and Brand Experience are two different aspects but from time to time they can be related to each other also. It all depends upon the perception of the customers whether they will judge the brand over a single product or over the whole experience that they have gone through.
Product Experience: Product Experience is mainly the experience a customer has gone through by using a product or service of the brand. This experience mainly relates to the quality and features of the product and service offered. This includes whether the product is able to satisfy the needs of the customers or not and also whether it is fulfilling the promises committed by the brand itself or not. The use of proper product experience software is the most ideal way to get proper customer feedback on whether the customer is satisfied with the product or not.
Brand Experience: In comparison to product experience, brand experience is a whole big term. It is not just limited to a particular product or service. It covers a number of elements such as the marketing strategy of the brand, the overall products, and services of the brand, the customer service offered by the brand, and so on. So, a customer who has just experienced a particular product or service is not actually eligible yet to judge upon the brand experience until and unless the customer has not gone through the stages of customer service and checking of other products. A number of companies make use of brand experience software for their regular customers as well as their new customers to know how they can provide the best services to their customers.
The Relationship Between Product Experience and Brand Experience
Going by the above explanations, product experience is much different from the brand experience. Though both the experiences are different, there are some ways through which both are related to each other. There can be instances when through the product experience the customers may judge the brand or vice versa.
So, how does this actually happen? This can be explained properly with examples.
Judging the Brand through Product Experience: This is a common phenomenon that when a customer buys something new and the product or service is not up to the mark of the customer, they completely stop trusting the brand too.
For example: Suppose a new customer has bought a product from your brand for the first time. But somehow the customer is not satisfied with the product that is bought. This means the customer is not having a good product experience. There are maximum chances that the customer will have a bad experience and feel about the brand also and will not wish to buy any other product from your brand again.
Now, a second example can be considered. A customer buys a product from your brand and is happy with the product. This will make the customer think that you are a reliable brand to trust upon and hence the customer will try some other products also from your brand.
Thus, whether it is a good experience or a bad one, often a product experience of a new customer can lead them to judge the brand too. If you do not wish to lose on customers, it is ideal to make use of product experience software to know the pros and cons of the product and improve upon it to avoid negative impacts. Also taking such an initiative can make the first time customers with bad product experience to think something good about the brand and they may try out some other products instead.
Impact of Brand Experience over Product Experience: Why a great advertising and marketing strategy is needed? It is because if your brand marketing is attractive, then only the customers can trust your brand and can think of trying your products that can let them have a proper product experience. Not just brand marketing, even customer support plays an important part here.
For example, a customer has bought a product from your brand but is facing some problem with it and hence contacts the customer support team. Somehow, the customer support team is not able to help the customer and the problem remains unresolved. Do you think this customer will be able to trust your brand again and will try some other products from your brand?
Let us see another approach.
The customer contacts the customer support team and explains the problem. Even when the customer support team is not able to resolve the issue, they deal with the matter tactfully and offer some other alternatives such as special discounts or so on for the customer. Here, you can also make use of the brand experience software to get feedback from the customer so that you can work upon it, even more, to provide other attractions to the customer to turn him or her to be a happy customer at the end of the day.
Thus, though product experience and brand experience are two different approaches, they are related to each other somehow or the other. Having proper software options such as from piHappiness to get experience feedback from the customers at the right time can help you in improving upon the product as well as your brand service so that the customers can be retained at the end of the day.