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Reasons to Choose Mobile Application for Retail Business

Reasons to Choose Mobile Application for Retail Business

Wednesday October 24, 2018 , 4 min Read

Have you ever wondered how to improve your retail businesses and gain more customers? You know more than thousands of customers used their mobile phones daily to solve certain problems. There are 224 millions of active smartphone users over the US, while this number is now increased to 2 billion. Many brands are already using the benefit of retail mobile application. That is why we have decided to show you some several ways of how your company can benefit from an app.

Why the website isn’t enough anymore?

E-Marketer research claimed that the number of annual sales in m-commerce segment grows by 5% to 10%. Well, just to attract your customers to your digital store is not enough, also motivate them to purchase something. Let us look at statistics of retail mobile apps when comparing to the retail mobile apps. We’ll see the following:

  • Comparing to mobile websites retail mobile apps generate 90% higher add to-basket-rate.
  • 286% more goods are being browsed by mobile shoppers as compared to mobile websites.
  • The conversion rate on mobile apps is 120% higher when comparing to retail websites.

PR Newswire had provided these statistics and it clearly shows that mobile apps for retail industry are able to engage more customers rather than websites and generate more profit than business holders. Flurry analytics also states that users spend 90% of the time on apps and just 10% for browsing and there are 2 billion active smartphone users each of whom is your potential customer.

Reasons to create an app for retail businesses

  • Boost your sales: Apptentive indicates that 88% of customers downloading retail mobile apps actually use them.54% of interviewed people also said that the made a purchase there in the last month. For example, the retail platform as Alibaba gets the highest profit ($ 24 monthly per an active mobile user) from mobile shoppers.
  • Be up-to-date: Many medium-sized and even small companies in the retail sphere already have an app or working on its creation.ContactIQ report proves that 62% of respondents are about to release a retail software application. This tendency shows that customers over the globe are fond of the idea to purchase goods through easy to use native apps instead of mobile versions of websites.
  • Build brand loyalty: The retail mobile apps are not only for achieving certain financial goals but also for building brand loyalty. Many big companies are developing their apps for this reason. These loyalty programs bring your customers everything they love like special offers of different kinds.
  • Hook more potential customers: The doors are opened for hundreds of thousands of customers who are using these retail mobile apps. Coming to the age, the age category of 18-29 years old prevails as expected and holds 27% of users. Well, the second largest age category is 60+ years old out of which 26% of the total number of retail app’s users are being held.
  • Make in-store experience better: Retail mobile applications are being used by 51% of clients while purchasing the stuff in physical stores. If the user has all the information right at the fingertips and enabling ultra convenient user experience while using a mobile app will improve your relationship with customers.
  • Push notification will increase your customer’s satisfaction: Push notifications to play an important role in engaging the customers. These are mostly used to inform the customers about an upcoming sale, new arrival, etc. These play an important role because they can be more effective than social media posts or email campaigns.

It is concluded that whether you have a shoe shop in the city or a sports store in the mall, your main focus is to gain customer attention. For the best results, you can use the popularity of mobile apps among the smartphone users to improve the scale of your business online. Recent statistics have revealed that 54% of customers consider a mobile app for retail businesses rather than a mobile app. Therefore, it is important for the retail businesses owner to hire mobile app developers to expand their global reach.