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Important Factors Why Your Startup Needs Digital Marketing Strategy

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Important Factors Why Your Startup Needs Digital Marketing Strategy

Thursday January 30, 2020 , 5 min Read

In today's day and age, no one begins business without having a proper digital marketing strategy. This is because all businesses in today's day and age, regardless of their size or scale need to have digital marketing at the center of their marketing strategies. If you run a startup that is in its initial stages then you probably have a tight budget to invest in marketing. Not having a proper digital marketing plan is the reason why many startups fail. As many as 17% of all startups fail because of poor marketing. Hence for startups to succeed they need a solid digital marketing strategy and this piece has been put together to enlist the 7 different factors why your startup needs a digital marketing strategy. Let's get started!

1. Better Understanding of Customers - All business owners must understand its customers. To succeed, a startup should try relentlessly to deliver quality products and services needed by their clients. Here a professional digital marketing agency proves effective as it helps in improving customer support and putting businesses on the map. Digital marketing can also be used to track and analyze the behavior of the customers. Once you begin monitoring their behaviour, you will have a better understanding of their needs which will help you in figuring out ways to satisfy their needs. If you implement and execute things effectively, soon your business will become the go-to option for potential customers looking for solutions in their niche. 

2. Cost-effectiveness - One reason why startups need to hire a professional digital marketing agency for digital marketing services is that it is very cost-effective. This works well for startups as many of them don't have a big pool of resources to invest in their marketing campaign. In comparison to traditional marketing, digital marketing is a lot cheaper and far more effective in delivering results. 

3. Increases Visibility- One main reason why startups and small businesses, as well as big brands, should hire a professional digital marketing marketing agency, is because it is possible to increase the visibility of one's business with it's help. If and when you share your content with people in their circles, it will help you further in increasing the visibility of your business. Visibility is very crucial for all kinds of business as the more visibility you have on the web, the higher are the chances that your business will grow with a better return on investment (ROI).

Digital marketing strategy agency

Digital marketing strategy agency

4. Increased Brand awareness- The social media marketing branch of digital marketing can help a startup in increasing its brand awareness. Even if you don't make money after hiring a professional digital marketing agency, there are very high chances that the campaign would still have increased your startup's brand awareness. If and when your brand awareness grows, you have very high chances of getting sales immediately or in the future. 

5. Tracks ROI - One of the biggest reasons to prefer digital marketing over traditional marketing is that the former makes it very easy to track return on investment. Instead of waiting for the campaign to end, one can review the campaign as it runs. This helps digital marketers and business owners to make adjustments towards better returns. If and when you find that a campaign being run for you by a professional SEO agency is not performing as is expected, you can stop it and avoid incurring more losses. 

6. Enhanced customer engagement - If and when a digital marketing campaign by a professional digital marketing agency is executed well, it can considerably increase the rate of engagement your business has with its customers. This aspect is particularly beneficial in social media where increased levels of engagement often lead to higher rates of conversion. 

7. Avoids wastage of resources - When you have a solid digital marketing strategy, have hired a professional digital marketing agency, have a goal and clearly outlined plans to achieve such goals, you will see that your productivity increases and your wastage of resources reduce. You will be able to figure out different ways to reuse content and information across all your digital channels. When you have a proper digital marketing strategy in place, you won't have to start again each time which will reduce the wastage of your resources. 

8. Enhanced Web Traffic If and when digital marketing campaigns are executed well, they can generate a lot of leads. A solid digital marketing strategy lays down the foundation of you getting a lot of traffic and when these leads are nurtured well, they can be converted into customers. It is very simple at the end of the day as the more traffic you have the higher is your chances of converting visitors. All businesses, including and especially startups need decent website traffic to grow their businesses and that is where digital marketing agency can help. Some agencies even offer online reputation management services so there is an added advantage of hiring their services. Some digital marketing ways to increase website traffic can be search engine optimization (SEO), PPC advertising (pay-per-click) and so many other ways. 

The Bottom Line

If you have a startup and still don’t have a digital marketing strategy for it then the aforementioned eight factors should convince you in having one. There are a whole host of benefits that can be availed, if and when you have a proper digital marketing strategy for your business.