How To Find Beta Users To Test Your App
Once your app is finally completed, after weeks of self-trials, and months of designing, formatting and reformatting, you come to the conclusion that now the world must experience your app. Often creators are too close to their app to see issues, since they know exactly how it is meant to work. You’ll need help from the outside to ensure nothing is overlooked.
Most apps need to be tested by small groups of the public to ensure it is fully capable to perform its task before meeting all of the general public. Without having a beta testing group, you risk not getting market validation.
Confidence is important when launching a mobile app, so be comfortable with the product, but also be aware it is not perfect yet. This will be a balancing act, you will have to determine what feedback is valuable and when you should stick to your design. The more feedback you can gather in this testing phase the better, this way you can see what problems and opinions are most common.
Like-Minded Focus Group
Each app has a target audience. These are the users that are more likely to enjoy the app, or who you are focusing on in hopes of a future purchase. A beta group will need to have some relation to the app, or the targeted consumer profile. Start with understanding who this app is for, if you haven’t already, and begin acquiring a focus group who can give helpful input.
For example, if you want your coding app to help those who are beginners, do not have a focus group full of experienced software developers. These types of users may understand what is happening because they know the next steps, while your actual intended users will be lost.
Now, how can you find the right people to beta test your app?
1. Facebook
Facebook has become a global marketing tool. While it is used for social interaction, its ability to reach millions of people (who are constantly accessing it) can be beneficial when finding a specific group to test your app. Today, one of the first steps for small businesses is setting up a company facebook to get the word out.
Find a Facebook group, or two, that are related and become a part of that community by participating in the posts. With the right group, it will be simple to get the word out about your product to attract people who you know are interested in a similar subject, or those who are in need of your product.
Do not be shy in a facebook community you have been engaging in, sometimes the best approach is to post about the app, and ask for feedback directly. If the group allows it, you may even be able to make a post looking for others who would be interested in performing beta testing.
2. Email Campaign
An email campaign can be wise before you officially launch the app. Let the users be a part of the process with regular updates on where the project is, and when they can get their hands on the app. If users are already interested before the launch this strategy can help keep them on the chain until you reach the marketplace. When interest is shown, approach the individuals with the idea of beta testing.
However, be careful not to drive users away by overwhelming them with a barrage of pointless ads with no new information. This will cause users to unsubscribe just to clear up their inbox, especially if your product or service is time-specific. Consumers do not need emails of auto collision repair near me, well after the vehicle has been fixed.
3. Personal Contacts
Many app developers are involved with others in the field of the app. Feedback from other expert users will be valuable to ensure you’re not missing any key points. Others in your field may also have some access or leads to reach the consumers you’re looking for.
Input from friends and family, even those who may not be totally invested in the style of the app, is always beneficial because they usually offer input you wouldn’t receive from strangers. If you do this intentionally, you can avoid selection bias.
4. Freelance Websites
Beta Users can be found on many freelance websites, so do not assume these freelancers are only web developers or writers. While these kind of reviewers require payment, they are often experienced in giving concise, understandable, and thorough reports.
When looking participants for the beta group on a freelance site, they can be search by the type of testing- like android or iphone, pc, etc. Rummage through the freelancers, there will be reviews and ratings on them, so be sure to find a good mix of experience and high job completion rates.
5. Reddit
Reddit is known as the front page of the internet, so if there is any interest your app is specific to, there is likely already a subreddit on that subject with a plethora of users waiting. A related subreddit is also a good way to gauge interest from an audience, and gather an active beta testing group.
Reddit has millions of users and posts are only promoted through the interest of those users. All posts are usually open to comments as well which can provide input or reactions from potential users based on the information in the post.
Know The Incentives
Decide early on whether you will have any incentives for those testing the app. This will make the experience more attractive to prospective consumers, and the feedback will have a higher quality. Sometimes a developer does not have the budget to pay every reviewer, so think of what you do have to offer. Offering beta users a free version of the final product, or a free limited subscription, may slightly cut down on your profits, but can draw users who will provide the evaluations you need.
While you can find those who will volunteer for the job, there are many advantages to finding qualified individuals who know about beta testing. It is, however, relevant what the subject of the app is, so always choose the correct demographic over experience.
The Road To a Bug-Free App
By not testing an app with a beta group, you risk not fine tuning your hard work.
Locating those interested in testing and giving fluid comments can be simple. Find your audience, engage your prospective consumers, and take their advice seriously. When users see their feedback is acknowledged, they know you are a company that will serve their needs.