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9 ways to choosing a winning domain name and making a killer launch

A domain name is just like the address of the website you want to create. However, it is something more than your address. The viewer not only views the outlook of the website but also notices the domain name. That is the reason why one should put more effort while finding a superior domain name.

9 ways to choosing a winning domain name and making a killer launch

Monday June 24, 2019 , 4 min Read

Naming a website is like naming a newborn child. One has to be careful as it is difficult to change it in the future.

An example of the domain name is  

Different types of websites demand different names. For example, If you are a photographer then your website name should be not be starting with just your name like but with your name and what you do like

9 Smart Tips For Choosing A Winning Domain Name

  1. Use catchy words
  2. Keep it short and crisp
  3. Probe carefully
  4. Easy to remember
  5. Think like a client
  6. Take help from websites
  7. Map your region
  8. SEO tip
  9. Don’t always choose .com

Choosing a perfect domain name

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1)  Use catchy words


The use of eye-catching words plays a crucial role in deciding a domain name. An appealing domain name would immediately grab the visitor's attention.

The use of other languages or catchy words can improve the quality of the domain names. We have to make sure that the visitors can relate the websites with what they are looking for.

2) Keep it short and crisp

Complex names for domain names might be difficult for viewers to access sometimes. So if they haven’t heard of the name of your website then they will not be able to access it.  Visitors always relate the website with what they are looking for. If it is not mentioned how your website works or what it is selling to their customers then the viewers would not be able to relate what they are looking for inside the name then they wouldn't open it. Keep in mind that a shorter domain name would always be easier to remember. Aim for 6-14 characters, but if you unable to find a short domain name then at least make it brandable.

3) Probe carefully

Complete research has to be made before choosing the correct domain name. It is required to make sure that the name you chose isn't trademarked, copyrighted or being used at some other firm. One has to make sure that there aren't any legal issues to avoid any legal trouble. You don't have to infringe a domain name as that would be really bad for business.

4) Easy to remember

There are countless domain names registered but it is crucial for you to choose a domain name that is catchy and easily memorable. You have to be quick about choosing a domain name. Before someone else chooses that domain name. Don’t share it with anybody.

5) Think like a client

Sometimes it becomes important to think like a client or a visitor visiting the website. You would be in a far better position if you think like a client. The names that would be appealing to the visitors can only come in mind if you think and act accordingly.

6) Take help from websites

If you are unable to find a domain name by yourself then one can always take help from websites that sell the domain name.

KillerLaunch is a website that develops and sells catchy and brandable domain names. This trusted website knows what's the best domain name for your business. It also provides a logo along with a domain name best suited for you.

7) Map your region

At times it becomes essential to map the region where your website will be active mostly. If you’re working on business locally you might want to consider including your city or state. So it is essential for you to decide your area of interest or the area where your business is currently active.

8) SEO Tip

The first thing that a search engine looks for is a domain name. The option that we have to look for is an SEO friendly domain name. If the domain name is more common in the search results it is more likely to be clicked.

However, if there are relatable tags on your website then it might not be a problem. Use of suitable keywords would make more SEO friendly.

9) Don’t always choose .com

If your website is to serve the local needs or is for the local areas then .com isn't always the right option. For example in Germany .de website is more often used. But in the end, one can’t limit itself to local needs only. Business is always to expand and explore more.