Dream Marketing | Goals & Dreams
Dreams – the reason why why we are living. Have you ever thought that it the chaos of 7 to 12 college life, personal and professional commitment we all have somewhere in some way buried our ‘dreams’ which we used to weave in childhood. We all have dreamt of a life where we had freedom to choose, freedom to live our life on our own terms and conditions, the freedom to dream and actualize that dream into reality. As a student, we all are in the same boat of deciding what are our own expectations and how to draw a road map for turning those expectations into excellence. Being a student, there is always a confusion about how to balance your college commitments and dream

So here we are, with some small tip-offs for how you can achieve your visualised goals and dreams.
· Where do I stand and Where I have to reach? : Try to ask yourself that who you are? Where you were supposed to be and where actually do you stand? It’s important to have a vision. Everyday when you wake up from the bed you wake up for a purpose. A purpose to fulfill your duties, a purpose to actualize your dreams. Write down the goals or the work you need to do throughout the day, penning down such things can somewhere help you to be ready to face all the further obstacles. Always try to compete with yourself, break your own records everyday and achieve the highest goal in your life. For eg: This year you took a resolution to do 2 internships and you end up doing 3 or 4,this is what where you create a benchmark.

·Be creative and bold : Truly said, ‘Creativity arises from the ability to see things from different angles’. When you yourself start believing in yourself and become creative in all aspects you discover many ways through which you can attain your goals. Just following the queue of all others will never make you reach to the place you want. You need to be creative and discover your own ways.
· Be ready for the future obstacles : Upgrade your mindset and realize that the current personality of yours cannot match up with your high levelled dreams and goals. We plan to complete a particular task in so and so period of time but fail to do that due to lack of planning. We all want to lead a luxurious life but no one is mentally ready to face the obstacles and challenges involved to take a lead.
· Be in a ‘constant – learning’ mode : Brian Herbert — ‘The capacity to learn is a gift; The ability to learn is a skill; The willingness to learn is a choice.’ Learning will make you grow and also helps you to develop your skills. Learning is that treasure of life that can never be stolen by lost. Keep on learning about where you are lacking competencies and how you can build that competency. For eg: If you are in a technical field, you need to get constantly upgraded with all the new trends and that’s where you stand out of the box.
·Say NO to Comfort Zone : Come out of your comfort zone. Don’t try those things which you already know instead try those which seems challenging. Always remember, beyond your small world of few people, there exists a world where there are epitome of opportunities waiting for you,lots of people you need to know and many other chances to develop. It would be little absurd in initial days, but gradually you will get acquainted to such changes and challenges. Imagine the day when you went to give your first interview and came out of your comfort zone in order to get break through..
·Live for your self : For a day, keep your personal and professional commitment aside, and think what do you need in life. Pursue the passion which actually inspires you, the passion which gives you positive vibes and sense of satisfaction. The passion in your life will give you that sense of involvement and satisfaction which a 7 to 12 college life can never give. For eg: If you have passion for teaching, I assure you that though you are sitting in a lecture of your college somewhere you will surely feel that it’s not the place you should have been there.
·Focus on the positive aspects of your dreams and goals: Rather than focusing on all the cons of your dreams, try to see the positive aspects of the same. Be an eternal optimist, dream big, don’t doubt on your competencies and plans. Always remember no one can motivate you more than you. Map down your goals and the requirements for the completion of those dreams.
·Take Risks : Higher the risk, higher is the benefit and vice versa. Take risk makes you more competent and a step ahead of your dream. If you win, you can lead and if you lose, you can guide your ownself. Stop thinking about what the society will think and how will they react. It’s your life, you earn for yourself and at the same plank you lose for yourself,there is nothing to do with society or people.
·Maintain Consistency : Consistency is that fuel of the vehicle ‘Success’ which would not move a step ahead without it. Maintain consistency in whatever you are doing. Consistency is the only element that will help you to reach pinnacle of success without which success would be just a dream which can’t be lived ever. to become truly excellent at whatever it is , you need to be consistent at it. Cherish every opportunity you have to do what you love and do it well

So! Get ready to have a fantastic ride on the roller coaster of your dreams, with lots of ebbs and lows, ups and downs but once you start moving ahead there will be no turning back. Dreams – the reason why why we are living. Have you ever thought that it the chaos of 7 to 12 college life, personal and professional commitment we all have somewhere in some way buried our ‘dreams’ which we used to weave in childhood. We all have dreamt of a life where we had freedom to choose, freedom to live our life on our own terms and conditions, the freedom to dream and actualize that dream into reality. As a student, we all are in the same boat of deciding what are our own expectations and how to draw a road map for turning those expectations into excellence. Being a student, there is always a confusion about how to balance your college commitments and dreams..
So here we are, with some small tip-offs for how you can achieve your visualised goals and dreams.
·Where do I stand and Where I have to reach? : Try to ask yourself that who you are? Where you were supposed to be and where actually do you stand? It’s important to have a vision. Everyday when you wake up from the bed you wake up for a purpose. A purpose to fulfill your duties, a purpose to actualize your dreams. Write down the goals or the work you need to do throughout the day, penning down such things can somewhere help you to be ready to face all the further obstacles. Always try to compete with yourself, break your own records everyday and achieve the highest goal in your life. For eg: This year you took a resolution to do 2 internships and you end up doing 3 or 4,this is what where you create a benchmark.

·Be creative and bold : Truly said, ‘Creativity arises from the ability to see things from different angles’. When you yourself start believing in yourself and become creative in all aspects you discover many ways through which you can attain your goals. Just following the queue of all others will never make you reach to the place you want. You need to be creative and discover your own ways.
·Be ready for the future obstacles : Upgrade your mindset and realize that the current personality of yours cannot match up with your high levelled dreams and goals. We plan to complete a particular task in so and so period of time but fail to do that due to lack of planning. We all want to lead a luxurious life but no one is mentally ready to face the obstacles and challenges involved to take a lead.
·Be in a ‘constant – learning’ mode : Brian Herbert — ‘The capacity to learn is a gift; The ability to learn is a skill; The willingness to learn is a choice.’ Learning will make you grow and also helps you to develop your skills. Learning is that treasure of life that can never be stolen by lost. Keep on learning about where you are lacking competencies and how you can build that competency. For eg: If you are in a technical field, you need to get constantly upgraded with all the new trends and that’s where you stand out of the box.

·Say NO to Comfort Zone : Come out of your comfort zone. Don’t try those things which you already know instead try those which seems challenging. Always remember, beyond your small world of few people, there exists a world where there are epitome of opportunities waiting for you,lots of people you need to know and many other chances to develop. It would be little absurd in initial days, but gradually you will get acquainted to such changes and challenges. Imagine the day when you went to give your first interview and came out of your comfort zone in order to get break through..
·Live for your self : For a day, keep your personal and professional commitment aside, and think what do you need in life. Pursue the passion which actually inspires you, the passion which gives you positive vibes and sense of satisfaction. The passion in your life will give you that sense of involvement and satisfaction which a 7 to 12 college life can never give. For eg: If you have passion for teaching, I assure you that though you are sitting in a lecture of your college somewhere you will surely feel that it’s not the place you should have been there.
·Focus on the positive aspects of your dreams and goals: Rather than focusing on all the cons of your dreams, try to see the positive aspects of the same. Be an eternal optimist, dream big, don’t doubt on your competencies and plans. Always remember no one can motivate you more than you. Map down your goals and the requirements for the completion of those dreams.
· Take Risks : Higher the risk, higher is the benefit and vice versa. Take risk makes you more competent and a step ahead of your dream. If you win, you can lead and if you lose, you can guide your ownself. Stop thinking about what the society will think and how will they react. It’s your life, you earn for yourself and at the same plank you lose for yourself,there is nothing to do with society or people.
· Maintain Consistency : Consistency is that fuel of the vehicle ‘Success’ which would not move a step ahead without it. Maintain consistency in whatever you are doing. Consistency is the only element that will help you to reach pinnacle of success without which success would be just a dream which can’t be lived ever. to become truly excellent at whatever it is , you need to be consistent at it. Cherish every opportunity you have to do what you love and do it well
So! Get ready to have a fantastic ride on the roller coaster of your dreams, with lots of ebbs and lows, ups and downs but once you start moving ahead there will be no turning back.