How Employee Engagement Drives Customer Satisfaction

“Employee engagement is the emotional commitment an employee has to the organisation and its goals” –Kevin Kruce
Teamwork divides the task and multiplies the success. This unique decoding of arithmetic is the importance of employee engagement in today’s competitive corporate world. When you are organizing team outings, the natural environs rejuvenate the teams from within. Such initiatives create awareness among teams and bring in unity, faith and interdependence, the tools for better client engagement and satisfaction. Yes, the bonfire needs fresh wood and fuel to collectively burn and bring warmth.
Inspire Creativity and Curiosity through Corporate Team Building Activities
Triggering the curiosity and fueling creativity is extremely important to keep the teams in agile mode. Customer expectation is way too high, the benchmark for even basic tasks are way too high in the digital era. Data-driven statistics are giving a clear cut picture of how the customers behave and what triggers their satisfaction index. You have numerous employee engagement tactics through which you can enhance customer satisfaction.
“My feet are set on the outward trails and the calling of the roistering sea. My wings are spread on the outbound gales and the paths that are long and free” -Robert E Howard
In the scenic locations, or in the ultra-hospitable resorts, when the teams settle down, indulge in indoor games inspiring and teaching you tools of team building. One such exercise is Triggertronics, which require members to perform a relatively simple job through a serious of difficult transitions. Through this team building game, they will be able to understand the phenomenon of Trigger’, an action from an individual and its impact on the team and the advantages of taking responsibility.
Classic Fun and Adventure in the Outdoors….. Team Bonding and Ice breakers
There are various venues, with its boundless treasure trove of nature and well-established infrastructure, best suitable for a corporate team outing. Yes, outdoor recreation teaches you the importance of physical health, and, in turn, your teams get to nurture a healthy mind. Work hard, strive correct and succeed…..The teams gain the utmost important life lesson, which is ‘working as one towards a common goal’ for achieving the growth of the organisation.
Such initiatives teach the teams to be in the game jointly, rise to it cooperatively. Choosing the right venue is the utmost important while you plan hard to engage your employees.
Beyond the rainbow lies the pot of gold. Throughout the lives, the teams undergo this hunt for the pot of gold thru clues. Race The Picture is a fantastic team building activity where the teams collectively hunt for the treasure. Every time you decode a hint, you are closer to the objective and doing it as a team definitely enhances the engagement and experience quotient. The hunt gives you the exercise to the body as well as the mind.
When they apply such learning to keep the productivity high, your end clients are going to be the happy folks, Right?
Build a Strong Leadership Team - Transforming the Follower to a Leader
“Leaders are the creators of their lives. Followers let life happen to them”
Each one of us has leaders hidden within, may be dormant. In your cushioned and cocooned lives, teams at times become averse to risk-taking. It is also natural for the teams to get hesitant to break away and shatter the inner glass ceiling. However, every organisation dreams that each one of their employee's ventures to break their own glass ceiling and thus evolve into leaders. Fire Walk quenches your fears and makes you strong enough to take sound and calculated risk for the betterment of the organisation. It is a transition from an individual contributor to a leader who from saying ‘I can’ to a united ‘We can’.
Trust is a key factor that required to be built among teams and on the organization. Organizational changes create a huge impact in the way Employees treat the clients. Corporate team offsite creates Trust among teams and help in making key communications. On a day to day working in any organization, this fundamental rule is often questioned. To reignite, indulge your teams in the most exciting team building activity, Trust Walk. The leader is blindfolded and is to walk, based on the directions given by the others. This builds up the trust factor among the employees, and the leader follows the instruction to reach the spot, not only he or she is victorious here but also the entire team.
Build Sales Ability to Develop the Right Customer Engagement Quotient
In today’s world, irrespective of the roles, all the employees are expected to sell something, a service or a product. To be the salesperson with the ‘X’ factor, you need to have the capability of selling almost anything, so why not check out your selling capability by organizing an effective corporate team experience.
Who does not remember the childhood garage sales, which we used to do to get some pocket money? Junkyard Sales is a team building activity where the teams are involved in to see and improve the sales capability where the beautiful environment in nature clad venue makes it more fun. Each employee here understands the importance of assessing customer behavior and taking corrective actions to sell their products.
Daily routine tasks at the workplace make the smartest, and the most alert minds go process oriented. To start making the brain working in the same challenging ‘why not’ mode again, restart, re-energies and refresh the hidden innovator and risk taker.
Witness a new leash of life, vibrancy and freshness in your teams and their approach towards the workplace growth. You can be assured of a rise in productivity, proactivity, and positivity. The employees will be rejuvenated a lot, with a fresh outlook, greater creativity and more ready to take in challenges of today’s competitive world. The ultimate result will be better customer engagement and client satisfaction.
“Not finance, not strategy, not technology. It is teamwork that remains ultimate competitive advantage both because it is so powerful and so rare”—Patrick Lencioni