How Future Technologies Will Automate Daycare Surgical Centres?
Daycare surgical centers perform minimally invasive procedures that commit less damage to health, less pain, quick recovery, and less complications further improving the overall conditions.
Minimally invasive techniques in recent years have proved to be beneficial over traditional methods. This significant growth is due to the advancement in technology which has solved a lot of technical and clinical challenges, if not all. For a lot of surgeries such as gastric bypass, appendectomy, cholecystectomy, myomectomy and a lot many are now performed as minimally invasive surgeries.
There are several advantages of minimally invasive surgeries for the patient, that includes less post surgery complications, reduced pain, quicker recovery, shorter hospital stay, minimal scarring, and overall improved quality of life.
Automation does play a vital role in catering quality healthcare
Today, automation has a great impact on healthcare and it is quite evident. Facilities such as smart beds that monitor patients’ health, wearable devices for diabetes and hypertension. The high resolution cameras make it easy for the surgeons providing a detailed view inside the human body and operating on those hidden targets that was difficult earlier.
Here are the recent developments in the above mentioned areas and perspective on how future technologies will automate daycare surgeries.
- Bridging the gap between the doctors and robots: Robots will optimize the surgical performance, thereby, reducing the human error. In future, robots will be setting up surgery autonomously. They will be seen placing the surgical tools correctly into the human body. There will be surgeries using robotics remotely across the world. However, cost will be a concern which can be expected to be reduced if the technologies keep flourishing the same way.
- Imaging can be the next game-changer: Currently, tiny cameras are mounted on the end of tube devices that can be inserted by hand, along with the surgical tools. This is stressing for surgeons and increases the duration of the surgery. To bring on things a little faster, there are companies working on improving the image quality. Images will become increasingly instinctive, by giving detailed images more than ever.
- Predictable Model: Today, human brains manage a lot of data. In case of surgeries, the more experienced the surgeons, the more the training and experience, the better is the way to predict the outcome of the surgeries. There is a lot of information or data that helps these surgeons to make better real time decisions. This includes proper work flow. The staff and surgical equipment must be ready when and as needed, a proper communication between the staff is important to work as a team. AI can automate the pre and post surgery tasks where the tools and data can be put together and assessment can be made for example what will happen if you the patient is given blood vessel stent. The new technology will be able to predict the degree of accuracy, however the primary task will still be done by the surgeons.
When this predictable model will work with AI, the medical industry will show astounding growth and most of the things will be automated in daycare surgical centers. The result of the daycare surgeries will further be improved.
From AI to robotic surgeries, there is undeniable growth in the field of medical. But the question is how far will the technology be able to replace our medical experts in future?
AI will not be replacing human touch
In order to bring the automation to daycare surgical centers, the advanced technologies must fit into the patient-centric world of healthcare. But, for a patient, it is very important to feel supportive and safe which only a human touch or a caretaker is capable of offering. In other words, technology can not replace human touch and empathy can not be automated. But definitely technology and humans can go hand in hand and complement each other in this healthcare industry.
There is every reason to believe that these technologies will automate daycare surgical centres, while keeping complications low and reducing hospital readmissions. The thought remains open that limitations of daycare instrumentation can be found in the loss of perfection when compared with the human interventions. Also, there may arrive a day where patients will get home-based surgical procedures.