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How to extract text from HTML online?

How to extract text from HTML online?

Tuesday July 31, 2018 , 3 min Read


The web pages are built using the text-based, markup languages such as XMTML and HTML, and they contain a wealth of useful information in text, image or video form. It's safe to mention that all web pages are designed for human beings and are not suitable for automated bots or spiders. However, it is possible to use a number of applications to extract text from HTML online. 

There are various powerful web data extraction tools such as Mozenda,, Octoparse and Kimono Labs that help scrape information from both dynamic and simple web pages. Unfortunately, these tools cannot extract text from HTML online properly. Thus, we would have to opt for other similar services. With the following apps, you don't need to write sophisticated codes and can easily extract text from HTML online.

1. HTML to Text Email Converter:

It is one of the best and most powerful tools to extract text from HTML online. HTML to Text Email Converter is the prior choice of programmers and non-coders and helps them scrape plain-text from the PDF and HTML files. Plus, this tool is used to send mass emails and helps promote your brand in a better way. You can use it to create the text versions of your HTML emails and can extract as much text as you want. It can operate in the "Magic" mode where you point it at the URL, and HTML to Text Email Converter will slice and dice the content according to your requirements.

2. HTML text extractor:

You just have to paste the URL, click on the Convert button and allow HTML text extractor to perform its function. It is one of the best services online and is used by enterprises and content curators to extract text from HTML online. You will get the text in a short time and don't have to worry about odd and meaningless ads. Plus, you can use this service to automate the form filling and navigation tasks. It can read all types of HTML files and scrape text with just a few clicks, saving your time and energy. Plus, you can easily train the program to emulate the human actions of different complexities.

3. Textise:

Textise works pretty fast and is one of the best services on the internet. You can use it to extract text from HTML online without compromising on quality. It is customizable and can automate the text scraping tasks. In general, Textise is more of an online application than a full-scale web data scraper. If you have a large number of PDF files or HTML files and want to scrape text from all of them, then Textise will definitely ease your work.

4. HTML Cleaner:

If you don't have sufficient coding skills or lack technical knowledge, then HTML Cleaner is the right option for you. This tool primarily scans the provided HTML files for the pre-defined data sets and can extract text from HTML online with just a few clicks. It provides us with accurate, readable and scalable data and helps us improve the search engine rankings of the websites.