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Farming in India makes a Great Business option

Farming in India makes a Great Business option

Thursday March 07, 2019 , 3 min Read

India is an agricultural country and no doubt any kind of business will be benefiting from this industry as the import and the local demand is high. Apart from being an agricultural economy it is also having a large population which leads to high level of consumption of farmed products. There are many business consultants that are making effective strategies to do well in this sector.

Framing is a wider term. There could be farmers with a small land holding to farmers who own hundreds of acres. The agriculture in India cannot be generalized and brought under one scale. There are various areas that need separate expertise and planning and business models. While training the larger population in industrial activities could be difficult, agriculture seems to be a better way of prosperity and economic development.

A major part of farming also falls in the category animal husbandry or cattle rearing.

Within that category, business under dairy products is of great benefit. The farmers have the opportunity to earn more if they adapt the idea of selling dairy products from the milk that they obtain.

If we look at what Mahadev Jankar, Maharashtra ministers for animal husbandry and poultry said, we shall realize that there is immense potential in the dairy sector to become an important source of business and from there could emerge many business holders. This can act as an extra source of income for the farmers. This in turn will help in uplifting them from the social and economic position which at present, in India, is not very pleasing.

He said that Vidarbha and Marathwada 1.90 lakh liters of milk and this makes it quite eligible to become milk hub. This idea has been termed as double farming income. The concept was coined by Nagpur Veterinary College (NVC). In the workshop organized by the said organization there was participation from many farmers and agricultural scientists.

It was said that there is no need of celebrities to create awareness. The scientist who is well versed with agriculture can very well train the farmers in making the best possible use of the unexploited potentials of the agricultural sector of Nagpur.

The sessions were divided based on the problem areas that need to be targeted. The main aim of the workshop was to talk about varied means and measures that can be used in making the farmers self sufficient sand even get extra income.

The matter of farmers committing suicide was brought up as an important concern. There has never been a relief seen in farmers’ suicide and the steps taken in this direction need to become more innovative, effective and target directly towards economic development.

With double farming method there could be relief provided. The concept on hub as applied in IT sectors can also be applied here and the large reserve of milk can be harnessed in the best way possible to help the farmers achieve the bare minimum which they are not able to.

Information and technology these are two key methods that are to be brought in close contact with the farmers so that they can apply these in the farming methods and get a larger profit. Though it is easy to say, the application of it will not be easy. The farmers with smaller land holdings are not literate enough to grasp the detailing of technology and use the information provided to the optimum level.

For business ideas in this sector, contact business consultants.