Cloud computing has been divided into three forms based on the type of data that users depends on to work. Those three forms are named as public clouds, private clouds and hybrid clouds.
All the three forms are compared in terms of different levels such as management required and security. Let’s know deeply about each of the three clouds.
Public Clouds:
The Internet is well known as a public cloud. The cloud is available to common people; most of the service providers use the internet to make resources like storage and SAAS (Software-as-a-service). For instance, IBM’s Blue Cloud, Google App Engine, Windows Azure and Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud stands best to mention as an examples of ‘Public Clouds’.
Services of ‘public clouds’ are inexpensive to setup and creates the best financial resources of scale to the users because the provider bears the cost of bandwidth, apps and hardware. These cloud services are pay-per-usage model, so that the users have to pay the cost to only what they are used.
On the other hand, public cloud has its own limitation; it’s not a good choice for every scale of businesses. However, the model limits to configuration, SLA specificity and security.
Private Clouds:
As the name indicates ‘private’, most of the ‘private clouds’are owned by individual companies that offers scalability, flexibility, automation, monitoring and provisioning. These services are mainly data center architectures.
Private cloud services are normally modest economies of scale and referred as expensive services.So it’s not at all a good option for SMB’s (small to medium sized businesses). The objective of the cloud is not to sell the services to outside customers instead gain the advantages of cloud architecture.
Hybrid Clouds:
Hybrid cloud is the combination of both the public and private clouds. Businesses can keep command on private cloud by internal managing at the same time relying on the public cloud as per the requirements.
For example, in peak times individual apps and some group apps migrate to public cloud. This process is highly beneficial under predictable shortages such as scheduled maintenance windows, hurricane warnings and rolling blackouts.
Now it’s time for you to evaluate which type of cloud will full fill your company’s needs and requirements. Sbasetech.net is a fast growing cloud service provider that committed to deliver better solutions to their clients. Don’t forget to have a look on this when you think about cloud services.