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The future of customised technologies for office spaces

The Future Of Office Spaces

The future of customised technologies for office spaces

Tuesday October 03, 2017 , 3 min Read

Since, co-working or shared office spaces have enhanced through 2007, the trend of co-working grew to such an extent where we have over 30,000+ companies across the globe encouraging this inclination. As far as technology is concerned, the fast pace of automation might also comply with work-spaces for easy challenges and better augmentation purposes.



Robots play a crucial role in today’s world whether it’s an industry, customized work-spaces or college labs. Incorporating work robots in an office space not only decreases work load but also, increases the accuracy of things, which I definitely think is more important in a work environment.

Accuracy does maintain the quality and value of a company in terms of facility management, employment and maintenance. The use of automated robots has changed with respect to people interacting in the workplace but, what’s going to happen in the next decade?

These work robots can help in loading and unloading of things whether it’s a huge bundle of documentaries or to just move things around.


Robot cameras can be advanced to a level of having drones around the vicinity instead of standby camera ceilings, or an automated coffee supplier, that has a timer set to bring in tea/coffee at a regulated time interval for easy labour requirements.


By early 2030’s, computerized glass screens will replace the frame built laptops and TV screens to get better visual context with a touch of a button.

To move away web pages or any kind of content that you would usually Google, the swipe of a finger across the glass screen will initiate easy usage of browsing. Movies have already incorporated in such technologies, for example in Iron Man you will see the easy surfing for almost anything.


3D effects attract a lot of attention and enables better visual context of work or to make Skype calls. Virtual reality can be integrated for a better 360 degree visual of an office space for clients and customers planning to endorse in such an enterprise, especially for customized co-working office spaces.


Technical advancement of finger print scanners and card swiping technology for doors still transpires in today’s world. With the enhancement of facial recognition for doors, tenant apps can be used to make the visiting process of a customer or client smoother, when integrated onto the phone and for the use of automatic inbuilt lights, the monotonous switching on and off of lights can be eliminated.

Sometimes, these sensors can be used to track every move of yours! The usual vacancy/ no vacancy slots used in bathroom doors can be replaced with sensor lights; green for vacancy and red for no vacancy. Automatic flushes for toilets can be more sanitary in terms of less wastage of water, no worries of walking in on an un-flushed mess and they don’t have taps or push buttons that break off easily.

Distributed Antenna Systems act like cell towers to improve service within the building, also a connected network through LI-FI rather than WI-FI as they keep the connectivity usage within the four walls of an office space and they come with fast speed internet, faster than WI-FI.

The use of such advance technologies helps in the growth of India's economy as well as give quality work-spaces.