Guest post link warning: Was that an alarming signal by Google?
It was May 25, 2017, when Google kicked another hotshot. In fact, it was the date when the news was first published on the website of Search Engine Journal, one of the most trusted sources. Here and now, GOOGLE HITS THE GUEST BLOGGING SPHERE.
What was the objective? Was it impact Guest Posting adversely? Or, was it just a reminder for the spammers?
Whatsoever the answer is, the main crux is that every guest blogger and marketer becomes vigilant due to this algorithm. Again, a surprising wave starts flowing on the landscape. The discussions… the modifications in the strategy… the process refreshes… Google’s policy… and the fluctuating outcomes- these are all the pioneering elements of the current timeframe.
However, what does this new theorem speak out…?
Very First,
“Be a flamingo in a flock of pigeons.”
Don’t follow the crowd. Be unique and let the audience will pursue you! Incorporate such robust and genuine strategy that will scream out itself to be a brilliant one in the ongoing sphere.
Wondering, why is it marked out here?
The reason is the fresh Google algorithm. We can define it in the layman terms, as:
“Within last few months, the number of spammy links is escalated and it keeps on a hike in terms of different chronicles or writing platforms- guest blog, contributor posts, partner posts, etc. Without an iota of doubt, the guest blogging is hoisting its flag in the swinging zone. However, some spammers strive to infuse the unsolicited stuff in the real link juice in guest blogging. This algorithm is just a warning to those wicked marketers.”
In short, acquire “real” strategies and be “real” in this fictitious world!
Therefore, I have included the quote and its connotation above. If you follow the sincere techniques in guest posting for establishing the position in the SERP, then Google will award you. Else, take this warning signal very resolutely.
Guest Posting Linking Warning in Technical Terms
Circulating the content at a wide magnitude when the core objective is to acquire the link back to your own site is the violation of Google’s guidelines.
Thus, Google has pitched-
“It is good to include the guest posts and syndicated posts in your SEO strategy- if only the written content targets to educate the audience of other site with authentic information or spread a huge awareness to a good cause of your company.”
What Other Approaches Google Take Up?
In tune with the algorithm, Google explains some more points that are against its guidelines. These are:
Higher quantity of keyword-rich links in the article
Posting the same article on multiple sites
Hiring the incompetent and unknowledgeable writers to write the content
Google separately advises using “nofollow” attribute.
Moreover, still, if Google finds the duplicate content, then it will act against that content. In that scenario, the genuine content owners should submit, “spam report form”, if they confront with any copyright issue.
Till yet, focus on guest blogging in your SEO services, but with informative content that pleases the audience and hence, Google.
New Attributes to be Included in Guest Post (Predictable)
According to this guest post link-building algorithm, the written content should include these quirks (it is just an interpretation!):
100% Unique
Well-written (quality and format)
Informative and relevant to the audience
Devoid of any Unnecessary Stuff
Wrapping It Up
Wake up, marketers! It is a high time to adopt some good and receive good in return. The guest post is a bizarre of the digital world and even productive tactic to increase the rank. But, if Google won’t please with your work, then you may also become its victim.
What will be the outcome? Will the Guest Post Plunge or Improve? Solely, the upcoming time will utter its answer…
Originally Posted By w3era: https://www.w3era.com