How to import Windows Outlook to Mac Mail – Know with unpretentious method
To know about the Simple Conversion process of Windows Outlook to Mac Mail, follow the Given Article that will help to quickly convert Outlook PST files to MBOX Mac Mail file format.

Generally users use Windows & Mac Operating System for their personal & professional use. Both these OS have their compatible applications and can’t be used in any other OS. Two such applications are Outlook and Mac Mail. Outlook is a Windows based email application whereas Mac Mail is a Mac OS based email client. Both are good email client and also used by thousands of users but if in any situation, users would like or need to import Windows Outlook emails into Mac Mail then they may face difficulty because it is difficult task and very risky because Windows Outlook supports PST file and Mac Mail supports MBOX to store data and there is no third party tool which support both OS to run the program.
In such situation, follow the given article and know about How to Import Windows Outlook to Mac Mail without any trouble and confusion. Before describing about the conversion of Windows Outlook to Mac Mail in MBOX format, we will get some knowledge about Outlook and Mac Mail which help to understand why this process is risky and difficult and why users use Outlook and Mac Mail.
Some tips about Outlook, Mac Mail & its Extensions
MS Outlook is provided by Microsoft for emailing and personal data management of information. It is available with the MS Office suite app, although it can be bought individually as a single program. Users use it for sending, receiving and managing mails & data and it also handles tasks, contacts, calendars, journals and notes. Frequently Outlook is used on a sever app i.e. MS Exchange Server which is used for multiple users at a time. It is also integrated with mobile i.e. Blackberry phones. Outlook supports PST files to store data such as emails, messages, contacts, and other information.
Mac Mail is also known as Apple Mail or Mail.app. It is an email client of macOS, iOS and watchOS which is introduced by Apple Inc. but originally, it was developed by NeXT as NeXTMail which is a part of NeXTSTEP Operating System. It ultimately became Mail after Apple’s acquisition of NeXT. MBOX is supported by Mac Mail to manage data.
Conversion Reasons of Windows Outlook emails to Mac Mail
As we know that Outlook is a commercial and personal email client and Mac Mail is also used for personal as well as business purpose so there may be chances that replacing work environment where Outlook was used in past and currently Mac Mail is used for data management, Interest in changing of email clients, Changing OS in sudden situation, as well as other situations may be occurred for users.
How to Import Windows Outlook to Mac Mail – For Knowing follow the given steps
Directly Windows Outlook to Mac Mail conversion is not possible because we have known that both email client support absolutely different extension to store data and Outlook has no export option which help to import emails in Mac Mail file format and there is no solution which directly support both OS Windows & Mac for this conversion. In such situation the PST to MBOX Tool is a perfect app which can easily import PST files of Outlook into MBOX file format for Mac Mail. It can also convert Outlook PST files to Mac Mail at once. To know about How to Import Windows Outlook to Mac Mail, follow the given steps –
• Download & Install the PST to MBOX Tool
• Now Select PST file from the saving Location through Browse File or Folder Button
• Choose saving location to save converted MBOX files through Browse Button
• Now Click Start Button to start the conversion process.
Then the software will convert all selected PST files of Outlook into MBOX file format. Now shift all converted files in Mac Mail by external device i.e. pen drive, floppy, hard disk, etc. Then import all files into Mac Mail and for that Open Apple Mail go to File >> Import Mailboxes >> Other >> MBOX files >> Messages
By using this process, you can get all Windows Outlook files into Mac Mail without misplacing any data. You can also try this process, with free 20 emails conversion from Outlook to Mac Mail at free of cost.