Take It to the streets Canada
People In Poverty Say, I have news for you
I am a woman who has walked many miles across Canada, traveled and the things I have seen are outrageous .
1. People In poverty have to go to the washroom.
2. You have to pay, or be staying in the motel.
People living on the streets, living in missions, are on the streets and in missions for a reason. They have hardly any money, no place to live.
It is very unfair of businesses, to say when needing to go to the washroom, you have to pay, or in Motels , you have to stay here, to go to the washroom.
Mother Nature has no time limits, and if someone has to make a pit stop, then they should be able to go to the washroom at any given time. This is not controlled . The body functions have no limits. God did not give a bladder a decision time, it functions when its meant to. We can not control when we have to go to the washroom, or do no. 2.
If the city is concerned about drug addiction issues to washrooms, then they need to put proper ways of conduct in place to keep it up to order. I see that they finally put stickers on washroom library doors, stating the washroom is not a garbage can, and to put garbage into bins. I am glad to see it, your right to do this, and it is a good idea.
Security must as well do there jobs and as paid people watch the washrooms ongoing . This will also help.With attitudes of respect. Not all public is from the drug life. Even if they are doing drugs, we must remember that they are people, and everyone should be treated as a human being.
One thing I state my life on is, we all fall short of the glory of God. This means no one is perfect and we all have issues. So therefore everyone should treat each other, as though they are treating there selves. The way you desire to be treated, is how you should treat others. Black,white, red, yellow, we all are people, we all have a right to body functions, and to have the proper places to go to the washrooms. Everyone has a right.
People living on the streets are people, and though poverty is a crime and should never have been created by human beings, they have rights to be clean, brush there hair, and use the washrooms. If there expected to be out all day, and not able to hit a crash bed until 9 pm at night, then this is there right.
1. The store Window or business Window is there Mirror, to comb there hair.
2. The washroom is a right for body functions.
3. sleeping outside , when no room in Missions, where they are safe, and warm is a right.
People living in poverty have a right to rest, sleep, and be who they are.
It seems that people in poverty, are not respected and told they can not use these things to help there selves as they go on there journeys, and if they are found going to the washroom on the streets, they are fined as a result.
1.Fined for going to the washroom under a tea, or in a place they can go on the streets.
2.They can not go to the washroom in a store, without buying something, or staying in the Motel?
3.No Money, and no where to live.
What might I ask are they suppose to do, as a result of these laws, hold there body functions, end up in the hospital? Is that what you expect? How unlawful , How insulting, and disrespectful the Laws of this Land are being, don;t you think?
In Vancouver B.C , the streets of poverty, are so bad, that when walking down the streets, you smell pee, and poo . London Ontario is doing the same. I suppose everywhere the laws are doing this. This kind of law needs to stop!!!
Peace Be With You All.
Posted 26th June by Nina Louise McCutcheon