Key digital marketing trends to watch for in 2018
With the rising technology, the trends are ever changing and when it comes to the Digital Technology World, we need to be well aware of all the latest trends to keep pace with the competitive market. Here we bring you key Digital Trends that you can refer to your journey 2018 in Digital Marketing Field.

Key Digital Trends to Watch for in 2018
The Digital Marketing has come a long way and you should be ready to see and experience some even if not drastic but challenging changes in this area. With more and more intrusion of the digital world into our lives and with upcoming technologies like Augmented reality and Blockchain technology, you are ought to experience a vigorous change in this arena. Let’s check some of the predictions made by technology gurus this year for Digital Marketing Trends.
1. Transparency in Social Media Advertising.
Transparency in Social Media Advertising.
With political parties targeting platforms like Facebook and Twitter to influence their voters, most of the social media platforms have given high preference to transparency in who is spending how much money in their marketing through these channels and what groups or demography they intend to target.
Even if you are not in the targeted group, you will be able to watch the advertisements being run by a company. Twitter has added a whole new Ad Transparency Center which will show all the details about the ads being run.
2. Say Goodbye to Typing

Say Goodbye to Typing
With evolving technologies like natural language processing, machines will start to understand your voice commands, hence you don’t have to type anymore. Even machines will be able to take dictations like a secretary. You can already experience this with products like Amazon's Echo and Google’s Home which have gained high popularity in US and Canadian markets. This will also have to be adopted by Social media marketers into their strategies as the way people would interact with internet would change.
3. Augmented Reality
Augmented Reality
You must have experienced those augmented reality booths in entertainment zones. Though there is still a long way to go for AR and VR, AR has an edge over VR and that is why you can experience AR right on your mobile devices or just with a simple headset. It is tending to change the advertising world for the Digital Marketing Company as well.
4. Amazon as an advertising platform
The very famous Amazon will become popular for its search and display mode of advertising where companies are ready to pay hefty amounts to Amazon to display their products on the top while users search for a category or product. It is revolutionizing as a digital advertising powerhouse and is tend to grow by 42% reaching $2.35 billion.
Amazon also has targeting capabilities where the company can get insight into consumer's interest based on his past searches.
5. Advertiser to take advantage of Blockchain Technology.

Advertiser to take advantage of Blockchain Technology
Blockchain would help companies to know and ensure where they are spending their money and they get what they are paying for. It will help them fight fraud and make the digital supply chain more efficient. Blockchain being a reliable ledger will allow companies to track how their money flows in the digital cycle and discover where fraud is happening and enable them to eliminate it. This is already being tested by various companies who provide Digital Marketing Services in Hyderabad.
6. Digital Videos are yet to grow further
Digital Gurus have predicted that although you might have seen adults spending a lot of time watching digital videos these days this is still to grow more. With this ever-increasing viewership trend, there will be more funding by advertisers in this area and more innovative products are ought to develop.
7. The Millennials and Gen-Z's
Although millennials are the key earners and spenders in the time we can ill afford to totally ignore Gen-Z's as they have real buying power with lots of money accumulated in years. Millennials though should remain in focus as they are growing in their jobs and are ready to spend. We should not totally neglect Boomers and Gen-Z's who have the capacity to become the consumer powerhouse. So, while keeping millennials in focus we can also develop our markets by targeting Gen-Z's as well.
8. Online Media to impact Big Technology Firm's Image
As social media is becoming the favorite platform for people to know what’s happening in the world around, the Big Technology firms cannot remain untouched and anything they do that is wrong or out of law shall expose them here to people across the world within minutes. Social media will be stronger as the fourth pillar of governance and will be a check on the activities of entities and people.
9. Data all the way.
With technologies like big data, machine learning, and artificial intelligence booming, we would be able to drive better inference from our data that is collected from the online searchers and navigators. This will help social media marketers to better formulate their strategies.
10. Better privacy landscape
With increasing web-based crimes and identity thefts, the security measures will see an upward trend for social media in the year 2018. This has already been started in Europe where EU-GDPR have made it compulsory for companies doing online business with EU-citizens to follow strict data protection requirements.
We can say that the trends may come and go, but the thing that can stay long is the originality and the hard work that can take you to highest levels in the digital marketing field. And the more you keep yourself updated with the latest trends, the more you will be able to keep pace with your competitors in the digital market.