Things about NDA exam you should be aware of
UPSC will conduct the NDA Exam in a 2 Tier system which includes a written test and SSB( Services Selection Board).
You are about to give the NDA II exam this September 10. Perhaps the NDA Coaching has given you enough information about everything you need to know about this exam. Still, knowyourtutor.com has compiled a quick recap of important things which you should be aware of. Check them out one by one:
The Pattern of NDA Exam
Sections of the Exam: The entrance examination of NDA will be asked in two successive sections; the written test and intelligence & personality test.
Type of Questions in the examination: The question paper for the written test in NDA exam will have objective type questions or MCQ and will be sectioned into code 1 & 2.
Duration of the exam: Both the sections of the paper, maths and general ability test will take 2 hours and 30 minutes each.
Marks: Code 1 of the question paper will have Maths questions of 300 marks and code 2 will have general ability questions of 600 marks. Code 2 will again be divided into 2 sections which are section A & section B. English questions of 200 marks will be covered in Section A and section B will cover general knowledge of 400 marks.
A language of the Exam: The question paper will be available in both language, English, and Hindi.
Method of the answer: Each of the questions will have four optional answers. You have to select the right .answer/ answers from them.
Negative Marking: Negative marking is there for wrong answers selected by the candidates in all objective type questions or MCQ. For each wrong answer, 0.33 marks are deducted.
Subjects for the exam: The NDA exam paper will have two parts, which is Mathematics & General Ability Test.
Mode of the NDA Exam: The exam will be held through offline mode.
SSB interview: After clearing the written tests, the NDA aspirants have to go through SSB interview of 900 marks.

SSB (Services Selection Board)
NOTE: Candidates can use only black ball pen to mark answers in the exam.
Look at the table below in which the NDA 2017 exam pattern is mentioned:

Subject of NDA Exam
A quick peek on NDA 2017 Syllabus
Of course, you the syllabus of the NDA exam by heart now. But still, we are mentioning it here so that you can see you have left nothing new to study at this hour.
The NDA syllabus has been divided into two sections Mathematics and General Ability Test. The General Ability Test section has questions from various topics like General Knowledge, English, Chemistry, Physics, Geography, Current Affairs, and General Science.
Just check in your study materials that you have enough notes for revision from all of these topics.
Quick NDA Preparation Tips
For the last-minute preparation, just recap your studies. We hope you have made your notes earlier in an organized way and the NDA Coaching in Chandigarh, Mohali, Panchkula, Jaipur, and Delhi has helped you in the organized mode of preparation for the exam. Thus now is the time for only revision from the notes and keeping your coolness and confidence in you. Study the previous year question papers.
Being confident is essential now as to clear the NDA exam not just the written test is the key, you should also be physically and mentally fit to clear the entire selection process (SSB).
Hope these recaps help you in your revision and exam. Good luck for 10th September 2017 from the entire knowyourtutor.com team!