Importance of extracurricular activities in school life
Extra activities are also important for the overall development of students.
Importance of extracurricular activities in school life
There is always an argument that extracurricular activities are not so much important in a child’s life.
For development, extra activities are also most important in student’s life.
Students are pressurized during exams and they have performance pressure too of gaining good grades. In such conditions, there is a need for some extra activities. You cannot force a student to just read books and become intelligent.
Extra activities are also important for the overall development of students.
Sometimes when a school offers sports and extra activities parents do not allow their children to participate. Some students also feel that they do not need the activities, all they need is to concentrate on their books in many school teachers have to convince parents to permit their children to participate in activities. Parents feel that extra activities will distract their children from studies.
Co-curricular activities are important just as academics. When a student is made to do academics and co-curricular activities then only a well-rounded development of the student is done
Students have lots of activities to choose from. Cultural activities, sports activities, competitions, house on duties and lot more. Some students are even interested in more than one activities and they do participate in both keeping in mind about their academics.
• Academic performance is improved.
Students who participate in extra activities get better grades. This is because of the skills they learn from participating in different activities. Students learn to manage time, organizational skills and improved self-confidence. Students also learn to express themselves in a better way.
• Time management skills are improved.
Students who participate in extra activities need to learn time management. As they have to manage time between academics and extra activities. They learn to manage time and also learn how to keep them engaged in free time also. Everything they do will be productive. Time management plays an important role in examinations also, how to write answers in what time is also an important skill to learn. Time management will be used throughout the life.
Students also learn new skills which are useful in school life. Skills like teamwork, time management, management of any activity, how to lead a group and many more extra skills. Students who participate in sports and other activities have better leadership skills and learn how to grow and build relations with one another.
Students who participate in extra-curricular activities learn how to commit themselves to a particular thing they get involved in.
Extracurricular activities are utmost important in a student’s life. Students who get involved in extra activities meet new people and because of that their social skills are improved. Students can expand their network which is also beneficial in finding better career opportunities.