Tips to write your real life incident as story
Writing a short story becomes very tricky because one has to carefully choose and put down words because of word limit and constraint.
Writing a story is the most important thing one could do: both fiction and non-fiction. Although, both are different and have very unique approach and way of working.
Writers have different ways in which they look at writing, but there are basic steps of writing a plot, narration, characters, and more to be followed, maybe in once own way.
Writing a short story becomes very tricky because one has to carefully choose and put down words because of word limit and constraint. Some writers have written even 300 pages and brought it down to just 20 or 30 pages. It requires a lot of skills to write down real life incidents and confine it into short stories.
A lot of reading is required to write any story. Reading is the fuel that ignites and runs the process of writing, and without that it is difficult to come out with stories that could have insights and life in it as a matter of fact.
Given below is a step by step guide to get your story onto the paper and get it going for proof-reading and editing. There are several points below, which will help you get though with what you have been cooking up in your head.
Before you start writing, first, select a topic from a list of experiences: witnessed or experienced. Choose the incident that has completely moved you and has had an impact on you. You can select stories of others too that has helped you understand and contemplate about life and people.
Recall the incident in your mind and pen down the facts, sequence of events and figures necessary to write your story. This step is important because it will be a foundation of your story. Since you know the plot and the characters already, writing the basic information can be very quick.
A careful selection and arrangement of events to reveal cause and effect is important. Finding the right sequence of events into some kind of cause and effect or order of importance is what makes the plot.
Choosing your characters play a key role in progressing your story. Don’t include every real person in your short story. Too many characters are confusing to the reader and make the story unnecessarily complicated and jarring. But do make your characters complicated and interesting to make them stand out more and to increase the pace of the story.
Painting a picture in your reader's mind, is one of the most powerful techniques to master your writing be it fiction or nonfiction. What makes your writing more powerful is its specificity. Usually when people read a nonfictional story, they want to know they are getting as close as possible to a first-hand account of incident that actually occurred. They want to feel as though they are hearing the story from someone who has experienced it or has genuinely been an eyewitness to the incident giving specific details of what happened.