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Do you have an idea that that delivers better results: Traffic optimization or website optimization?

If you have limited budget and want to invest in online marketing then it is very crucial to know where to invest - Traffic optimization or Site optimization?

Do you have an idea that that delivers better results: Traffic optimization or website optimization?

Thursday September 14, 2017 , 3 min Read

It is crucial for search marketers to know where investment can be done with fewer budgets. These days we learn lot about testing and User Experience (UX). It is your work to test your pages, app and site as an online marketer.If testing is not done then you are wasting money on the bad designs.


Situation becomes complex when marketers cannot decide where to spend time. It is a confusion that whether he must spend his time on site optimization or traffic optimization. It is the duty of the marketer to optimize the traffic quality and site simultaneously.

Every company does not have a well-managed CRM, a proper testing strategy, a call tracking platform and a testing budget to boot. Focus on online marketing is given sometimes to increase traffic in website. If a well-planned strategy is used for site optimization then the traffic optimization will itself increase and conversion rate will also grow per month.

Both site optimization and traffic optimization are valuable and help in increasing the traffic. No matter how much traffic has been grown in your site but if your conversion rate is not optimized then your investment will never get an improved result. Traffic optimization can be done in a right way if correct methods are applied for site optimization.

Anyone have no doubt about site optimization or site testing for improving online marketing but if the term “bang for bucks” comes, traffic optimization becomes logically first choice.If site testing is done, then it is necessary that services and products are needed to be proved with target audience.

If right traffic on a client’s site is not given then it creates problems in CRO efforts. We have a concept if advertising is done then power of traffic optimization increases.The focus has to be done on potentiality of business by increasing the conversion rate.To increase traffic optimization, you have to target on keywords with marketing corporate translation services.

Marketing has several targets which are moving with hypothesis with delivery results. Each keywords brings leads and conversion rate to your company, so it is important to track such things following the optimization the functions in an authenticate way.

It is easy to overwhelm marketing strategy and follow the traffic optimization and site optimization process. SEO team and digital marketers follows the traffic system and continue the optimization process. Thus, it is a contradictory question that which gives best result traffic optimization or site optimization but both are important increase conversion rate in business.