Top 5 reasons to outsource multimedia animation to India
India’s multimedia sector has witnessed a major boom over the last few years. To know why India is now the preferred destination for outsourcing, read on.
The artistic nature of multimedia requires highly creative professionals and in the quest to find fresh talent, an increasing number of companies are outsourcing this work to external service providers. As they say, “A picture speaks a thousand words”; similarly, good multimedia animation too can evoke millions of thoughts and feelings. However, to successfully outsource such a creative process, you need an outsourcing destination that has enough creative talent, a flourishing multimedia industry and above all, a well-established outsourcing industry. India, being the hub of multimedia animation and home to the world’s leading outsourcing industry, can tick off all your boxes.
Here are the top 5 reasons to outsource multimedia animation to India:
1.Traditional inclination toward creative arts
India is a country wherein art, culture and literature are part of day-to-day life. This natural inclination towards creative arts prompts millions of students to take up subjects of the same kind in higher studies. The arrival of multimedia has boosted this trend further and as a result, more and more youngsters in India are now studying multimedia animation. Another reason behind the huge popularity of multimedia is that it opens up exciting and fresh employment opportunities for the new generation. This phenomenon has created a vast talent pool of multimedia professionals in India.

Hire Multimedia Animator
2.High availability of English-speaking creative animators
Though Hindi is the national language of India, for higher education, the medium of instruction has always been English. This is because in India, English enjoys the status of the language of the establishment. This means that all the highly qualified multimedia animators that you hire from India would converse in English just like a native speaker. This attribute of Indian animators makes it very easy for you to communicate easily with them.
3.Availability of world-class animation studios
After the 1990s, the animation industry in India has become more export-oriented. This is because foreign clients are willing to pay more for highly creative multimedia designs. To cater to the growing needs of foreign clients, big industrial houses have set up world-class animation studios in India. Some of the big names in the animation industry include Films Division Maya Entertainment, Crest Communications and Zee Institute of Creative Arts (ZICA) that have opened their studios across the length and breadth of the country. So, when you outsource your multimedia animation work to India, you get easy access to these world-class studios.

Outsource Multimedia Animator
4.A well-established outsourcing industry
India is home to the world’s most versatile and successful outsourcing industry. This industry can give you outsourcing solutions as per your individual needs. Besides, the industry is governed by a strong regulator, NASSCOM, which means your interests as a client will be well protected.
5.India’s vast entertainment industry
The Indian film industry is one of the biggest in the world; it produces more movies than Hollywood every year. However, the overall entertainment industry is even bigger. It produces world-class animation films for Hollywood as well. By outsourcing your animation work to India, you can be rest assured of the support that you will be getting from the Indian entertainment industry as well.
So, you see that you have some exceptionally good reasons to outsource multimedia animation to India and the chances are very less that you will stand to lose if you go ahead and give this worthwhile option a try.