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How to Become A Growth Hacker To Boost Your Startup’s Growth?

Monday March 20, 2017 , 4 min Read

For a Startup, “growth” is a very important and a vital term. Growth refers to how much you have developed yourself over the years or a certain time period of time. For startups to become successful or to just survive in the business, they need to grow exponentially and that too fast, if you’re in the technical field because that’s just how demanding and life sucking technology can be. But, it has its rewards and stuff. But, in general area, a startup needs to be on their toes and work hard to keep it running. Even when you try to find an investor, they will eventually look at your growth potential before even considering the investment.

Growth “hacking” can help you grow faster and cover a lot of things faster, as compared to the other businesses around you. Who doesn’t want to stay ahead in the race? I mean, literally, you will find hardly anyone who would say “Yeah, last is good”. It is often observed that a lot of startups close or shut down fairly early and that depends on a lot of factors. Mostly the factor is common and it ultimately boils down to “money” problems. You cannot offer the same type and quality of service throughout your entire business cycle. Imagine apple releasing only the very first iPhone and releasing nothing else. Where do you think apple would be right now? Or if Google only had a Search Engine (well, they’ll still be doing good, though)? In Google’s case, they Search Engine is an entity that changes every second and update itself. What if they just offered the same old results? They would’ve died a long time ago.

What I wanted to show via those examples is that these companies grew over the time and they have grown exponentially. It all applies to the startups as well. So, let’s look at some pointers that’ll help you hack your growth and grow faster than anyone else!

1.) Set your Goals:

If you want to grow, you need to have something to look up to. You need something that will drive your enthusiasm to keep going and have a clear mindset. Setting your goals initially will definitely help you get there and do better and strive to make things better and get where you want to be. Always set goals, anything you do and you’ll see the changes and the growth.

2.) Have a Clear Mindset:

Having a clear mindset along with setting your goal, is a very important step you could take in order to become better than the past yourself. A startup might get out of hands if you don’t know how you will do what you want to do. Try to keep things simple in the beginning and then try to branch out into more things.

3.) Take One Step at a Time:

Branching out into various things initially might not be a good idea. Startups are generally small and don’t have a lot of people working for them. So, to start out with 50+ services might not really be a decent idea. You would want to start from 1 service and work hard to provide in the best way possible.

4.) Don’t be afraid of Partnership:

You might have seen all these YouTubers giving shoutouts to other YouTubers. What is that? That’s basically a partnership. They are exchanging their audiences and expanding people. YouTuber A and YouTuber B are giving shoutouts to each other, so their audiences decides “Hey, YouTuber A is a cool person, maybe the other YouTuber B is also cool. So, let’s check them out”. And at the end of the day, both the YouTubers get more followers. It’s as simple as that.

5.) Social Sites are Your Friends:

In this age and day, if you want to be successful and want to expand your business or get more exposure, it is mandatory to be on the internet. And what would be a better place than social sites to start your marketing. Social sites connect tons of people from all over the world and you are getting exposure everywhere. Even if you’re based in India, your name can be known to some person sitting in America, Australia or more. Social sites have emerged as a life saver and an amazing tool for growth hacking while keeping it all free. There are options to pay and promote, but you can get the job done by yourself for free.

Today, if you need to get ahead of the whole crowd and be the best and survive in the industry of your choice, it’s better to have a good growth. So, go and hack it.

This article has been contributed by Simmi Setia, Manager , LegalRaasta -an online platform for legal services such as ITR Filing, TDS Return Filing,  food license etc.