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Build an Online Fashion Merchandise Store with WooCommerce

With more than 100,000 fashion brands online, how will you make yourself a name in the industry? Learn how to set up a fashion merchandise store using WooCommerce within minutes and customize it according to your needs.

Build an Online Fashion Merchandise Store with WooCommerce

Tuesday June 18, 2019 , 5 min Read

You have a great sense of fashion and are planning to venture into the retail E-Commerce market. Well, you’ve got to the right place! This article gives you an insight into how to build up a fashion store using WooCommerce. Before plunging into the details, let us understand why to set up a store online?

Why set up an online fashion store?

An average human spends more than 6 hours on his phone on a daily basis from the time he wakes up to the time he goes to bed. He spends the majority of his time on social networking sites and E-Commerce sites. This is the power that the internet brings to us.

According to a popular survey conducted by Medium, 70% of the online net surfers have been spending their time scrolling down the brand store and keeping them updated with the trends.

E-Commerce store

The Global E-Commerce revenue of Online Fashion Stores in increasing at a tremendous rate and will outgrow online tech revenues by the next decades too. If the numbers are not enough, look at what this 27-year-old Billionaire, has to stay about has to say about his billion dollar E-Commerce store here:

We believe that there will be a change from decision making based on cocktail parties and haute couture fashion catwalks, to a data-driven selection of styles that have the best predictive value of performing well within particular customer groups. In 10 years, the most successful fashion retailers will be great technology companies that happen to sell fashion.”

Roman Kirsch, Founder & CEO, Lesara, started his online fashion store at the age of 22, has outsmarted H&M and Zara in a span of 5 years using the power of WordPress WooCommerce development. Read the full interview here:

Why WooCommerce?


Some popular brands like Hack with Design House, House of Lashes, Thief and Bandit etc. are a product of WooCommerce, which is a built-in E-Commerce plugin for WordPress users. It provides an easy to use content management system for your retail store. It works with ease with most of the WordPress themes and has tons of add-ons to make your store look attractive, such as manage order and inventory management tools, which turn out ideal for a digital store chain.

It also comes with conversion boosters such as one-click refunds and guest checkouts. This eases out your optimization process. You can also familiarize yourself with WooCommerce development services and set up a store by yourself, or hire a WooCommerce Store development company.

Woo-Commerce comes with the following services:

  • Open source plug-in, thus lets you use the back-end system.
  • User-friendly back-end system.
  • Free of cost and no hidden charges.
  • High on security and maintenance.
  • Thousands of WooCommerce development company out there to assist you with your needs.

How to build a WooCommerce store?

It’s a lot easier than you think. By following these six simple steps, you can launch your online fashion store without any help from WooCommerce development company.

Step 1: Setup WordPress on your domain.

The first and most important step is to install WordPress on your site. After successful installation, set up your own account an login using the credentials.

Setup WordPress

This is how your dashboard will look like after the successful installation of WordPress. For a detailed guide on how to install WordPress, check out How to install WordPress.

Step 2: Choose the right theme:

WordPress theme

While WordPress provides you with thousands of free and paid themes, choose a free theme which has ideal for setting up an online fashion store. An ideal theme for the website must have the following features:

  1. Easy to customize headers and footers.
  2. Flexible home page settings.
  3. Must have search and checkout buttons.
  4. No hidden costs.
  5. SEO optimizations.
  6. Easily accessible theme source files for modifications.

Shopisle is the best theme for your online fashion store. However, it is do your own research before choosing the right theme.

Step:3 Download and install WooCommerce:

On your left is the dashboard menu. You will find ‘Plugins’ submenu under this dashboard.

WooCommerce Plugin

Type ‘WooCommerce’ in the search tab and install the plugin.

install the plugin

Once installed, activate the plugin and your screen will look like this:

activate the plugin

Step 4: Build your online store structure:

online store structure

This is how your screen looks like. Let us understand what each tab stands for: WooCommerce

(1)Main Settings Menu:

The topmost bar is the Main Settings Menu. This menu lets you toggle from one submenu to the other. These submenus are suggestive of their functions and will let you customize your site as per your needs.

(2)Secondary Menus:

The secondary menu consists of additions to your product page, also lets you modify items in your inventory.

Step 5: Add your first product:

Follow the following steps to add products to your store:

Go to Products > Add Product

Enter the product title and description. Go to the Product Data Panel and select downloadable or virtual service if applicable.


The inventory section lets you manage stocks for your individual products and define when and where to take back orders or not. This feature lets your customers add products to the cart and lets you sell products.

Congratulations! You have added your first product! Now follow the same procedure and add all your products one by one.