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How to Monitor the Brand Experience & Engage Customers Providing Feedback?

Using the brand experience software in the right way can actually help you in knowing your brand better and making it better for the customers.

How to Monitor the Brand Experience & Engage Customers Providing Feedback?

Wednesday February 12, 2020 , 5 min Read

Customers can help to build a brand and also they can equally contribute to breaking it down. In this era of online content and social media, negative comments about a brand spread out just like a forest fire. Also, when one customer faces a problem, he or she intentionally or unintentionally reaches out to 10 more customers with the problem faced. Thus, you not only lose one customer who has faced a negative experience but also you lose those 10 customers who have got influenced by the negative story. 

Can Getting Customer Feedback Actually Help?

It has been noticed that a customer does not speak out about their experience until and unless it is about complaining against a product or service. 

Of course, today there are also many generous customers who talk good about a brand but it is only when they get a platform through the brand experience software that you may use. Even there are some such customers who are not satisfied with the service but they never speak out. The only way that they have is to never return to your brand. 

Hence, it gets a necessity to fetch feedback from all the possible customers in order to know their experiences and work upon them in order to monitor brand experience better. 

Ways to Engage Customers Providing Feedback

Just getting feedback is not enough today. The motto is to get quality feedback so that you can understand the loopholes and work upon it and provide a better experience next time. There are a number of options through which brands today are engaging customers to get their feedback. 

Live Chat Support with a Human Touch: Nothing can be as irritating as waiting on a call while the customer is furious and has a complaint to make. The live chat support is one such option that can be used in gaining the right feedback from the customer without making him or her much wait. With the help of Artificial Intelligence integrated into live chat support; this has become much easier to get feedback without making the customer much irritated.

Customer Service Feedback: It is not necessary that every customer is happy with the customer service that he or she has received. One of the best ways to analyze this is to get customer service feedback through the use of customer feedback software. Through this option, you can know whether the customer is satisfied with the solution offered or needs further assistance. 

Feedback on the Final Page: How do you think the bounce rate on your website increases? One of the major reasons is when a customer has selected some of the items but has abandoned the cart at the last moment. There can be a number of reasons why the customer has not completed the transaction. One of the best ways is to get feedback on the final page irrespective of the fact whether the person is completing the transaction or not. 

If the customer has made the transaction, the customer feedback software can generate questions about the experience that the customer had or what you can add up to make the experience even better. On the other hand, if the customer has not completed the transaction, the software can generate questions of why the customer has not completed the transaction. There can be a number of times when the customer is not comfortable in answering and for such situations; you can create answer list from which that the customer just needs to select such as:

Q. What made you abandon the cart?

  • I did not get the exact product that I am searching for.
  • The price is too high.
  • I am waiting for the discounts to hit.
  • The site does not have my mode of payment option. 
  • Others

In-App Feedback: Most people today prefer to use apps rather than browsing a website in the browser. The comfort of just checking out products without signing it every time and easy navigation features make applications high in demand. One of the best and most effective ways here is to create in-app feedback at different junctions through the brand experience software. It will definitely help you in getting feedback from the customers at different places such as after making a payment, while closing the app, and so on.  

Creating Polls With Rewards: Gifts and prizes are something that everyone loves to have. Attract your customers to rate you and provide your feedback in return for a gift. You can send feedback emails that may have a special discount for the customer for giving you feedback. Also, you can create polls on social media platforms or run a contest that consists of a feedback form for the customers. 

Getting feedback from each customer can help you in knowing your brand better and making it better for the customers by each passing time. Using the brand experience software in the right way can actually help you in doing so. Getting the best option can actually help you in engaging more customers to provide you feedback so that you can learn more and offer the best to your audience each time.