12 Techniques to Utilize a Blog to Maximize the Traffic
Read these 12 techniques and you will be able to optimize the blog yourself to maximize the traffic.
Is my blog well optimized? Is my blog giving me the results that I expect? How to optimize my blog to get maximum traffic? These are few of the basic questions every blogger has.
In this blog I am going to explain few steps by which you can maximize the traffic on your blog and you can get good organic results with these techniques.
1- Blog Name should be mesmerizing: -The name indicates what blog is about. Whatever you do for your blog, you do it to build the name and brand. The blog name represents you as a brand.
“Names, once they are in common use, quickly become mere sounds, their etymology being buried, like so many of the earth's marvels, beneath the dust of habit.” Salman Rushdie
Here is the checklist to consider while choosing a blog name:-
a- What will your blog be about
b- Blog name should justify the Content
c- Blog Name should not be too long
d- Keep in mind the target audience
e- Don’t choose trademark names
f- You can play with words
2- Blog should be Mobile Friendly: - According to a latest research of Brightedge“57% of all online traffic is now on mobile and tablet”. Google also love mobile friendly websites and blogs. Mobile friendly blog will help in building the brand, online reputation and more traffic.
Here are few reasons why blog should be mobile friendly:-
a- Mobile gets more traffic then desktops
b- Google likes mobile friendly blogs
c- Mobile friendly blogs helps in your reputation
d- It helps in improving user experience
e- Traffic will be redirected to other blog if your blog is not mobile friendly
3- Must have right Topics for Blog: - before writing a great blog you must have the right topic. You need to find the topic that is interesting and you can do extensive research on that topic. In digital age, readers love to read step by step guide and instructions. Your topic might be based on how-to information, starter guide, ultimate guide and frequently asked questions etc. you can read this post to find the latest topics for your blog:- https://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/finding-blog-post-ideas/
4- Find 2-3 long tail keywords for each post: - To get higher visibility and traffic, the keywords play a very important role. If you can find 2-3 long tail keywords which have good average monthly searches then it can help to get good traffic on your blog. Because it is easy to get first page Google results as compare to competitive keywords. There are lots of traditional tools available in the industry to find the keywords such as Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush and keyword.io etc.
5- Focus on URL structure of each post based on targeted keywords: - URL structure lets Google know what the page is about. I suggest making a short optimized URL which should be User friendly and Search Engine Friendly. Here is the example of User Friendly and Non-User friendly URLs:-
Non-User-friendly URL:
Optimized User-Friendly URL:
6- Well Optimized Title: -The Title of any blog tells the whole story about the post to visitors and the search engines.

The key benefits of optimizing the title are:-
a- The Title tag is most powerful tag for SEO in comparison of other tags.
b- In any search result, title tag comes first that’s why it helps in improving conversion rate.
c- It is the obvious element of Search Engine Optimization process.
Here are few tips for the optimization of Title Tag:-
a- Google uses the pixels to measure a title length. Generally you can use 55-65 characters in title tag.
b- Try to keep your primary keyword in the Title but it should be sensible and relevant.
c- Avoid Keyword stuffing in Title tags. Don’t use keywords too many times. The search engines are very smart today and they can see your intent.
d- Write Unique title tags for every post.
7- Use targeted keywords in the Content: -Without keywords there is no value of the content. You can use the targeted keywords in relevant part of the blog. It has been said by many authors that keyword density should be 1.5% to 2% and which is enough for optimized content.
8- Avoid Promotional Content: - in the digital arena, to get quick results people are using promotional content however Google today is very smart and does not give the value to promotional content. It is wastage of time and money if you are writing promotional content.
9- Try to use Screenshots to show people how to do things: - To make your blog user friendly you can use live screenshots to make the readers understand on how to do the things. Screenshots makes blog user friendly and search engine friendly. These days it is the hidden weapon for content optimization.
10- Links to Credible Sources:- If you have found any important data and you are using that in your post, then give link of that resource (website) from where you found that data.

11- Structured Data Implementation: - Proper Structured data implementations in your blog can enhance your visibility in search engines. It helps search engines to crawl and organize your content. Read here on how to implement structured data: https://blog.kissmetrics.com/get-started-using-schema/

12- Social Media Sharing: - great social media sharing skills makes your content viral. If your content is going to be viral it means you are going to get more comments, shares, and visibility and hence there are high chances to get higher visibility in search engines as well. You can read this guide to improve your social media sharing skills: https://www.inc.com/jeff-haden/14-powerful-social-media-sharing-strategies-you-arent-using.html
Tip of the Post: - When you are writing the article for the blog, keep a notebook and make the points for write-up. And also don’t forget to note down the to do list to optimize every post.
These are the tricks I use, what yours?