4 actionable tips to write good content
A short guide with actionable tips to write good contents.
You have optimized your links, your h1 and p tags are perfect, what to do now. Well as stated it can take some time before the listings start hitting you and you can see the fruits of your labor. So what do we do waiting for the SERPS to start listing your site on the first few pages? You start writing more content, yes more content.

1. Write more content
The search engines like content, their whole point of existence is to spider and index content, rate and categorize what they just index and make sure that the user can find this content. And this is exactly what you should create good content for those little search engine spiders to eat. Write like a madman, and I do not mean just optimized text. Write content that is relevant to the products you intend to sell but don't just write copy.
You should write content that you would be interested in reading yourself. If a user hits these pages in the SERPs, you want him to stay, learn more and possibly buy something or click on one of your advertisements.
Ok, I am done writing now what?
If you are done writing, double it, the more, the better. A nice place to start of would be 50 pages of 400 or more words. I know that is about 20000 words, but it's on the topic you should love, you're selling it aren't you?
2. Write interesting content
The problem with most content written for the search engine is it's dull and not very interesting. It cannot be stated enough if you have interesting reading material you will get better and more traffic to your site. Study the topic most closely related to the products you offer on your website and write a nice 50-page document about it. If you are trying to sell holidays your best bet is to grab users with interesting travel guides. It would be of little use to write about search engine optimization, as the traffic will be very uninterested in your products; they are looking for SEO to help optimize their site. You can take the content idea from other sites using the best paraphrase tool by seo tools centre to rephrase the article.
3. Writing honest product comparisons
A perfect and easy thing to write or get others to write them for you is product comparisons. The best thing would be to write honest product comparisons on the items you are selling on your website. Make people believe that what you are writing is an unbiased comparison between the products. Don't get me wrong with the make people believe the statement. You should never lie and always try to play it by the book.
You just want your reader to believe it as much as you do. If you are having problems with writing them yourself pay someone to compare the products you are selling. For you, it should not make to much difference if someone comes in on one of these pages and buy's product a or b, you should be happy they came in and bought any product. You would not have this customer if the comparison was not written.
4. How to get free content?
Some of you and perhaps all like the idea of things for free. I for sure hate working hours on end, doing tedious tasks while you could get someone else to do it for you. There are several ways to get content for free and take the strain off your back.
• Steal the content from other sites, very naughty and can get you into serious problems.
• Aggregate the content of some news sites do.
• Getting the user to write for you. You need some sort of user base for this to work.