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5 Ways to Spot a Professional Translator

Getting a professional translator is not a piece of cake, however, if one follows the 5 mentioned ways to spot the right translator, things will surely be easy. 

Friday September 23, 2016 , 4 min Read

Every profession has its own distinctiveness and some professionals are extremely passionate about their work. It is due to the extreme involvement in a job that brings out the best out of professionals. One of the silent yet well-known jobs in the world is translation work, where a translator ponders in sea of words to come up with excellent translations. The demand for translators has been always been high; however, the availability of good translators is not much. Business enterprises, entrepreneurs and individuals continuously strive to hire a professional translator to fulfill their requirements. The best way to find them is through an online creative service marketplace, where translators are available in huge numbers on freelance basis. Besides the online freelancing sites, it is interesting to see how some behavioral patterns of a translator can make others understand that how professional and passionate they are regarding their job. Here are 5 interesting ways to spot a professional translator:

Gets Hyper With Subtitles: Imagine that you have a friend, who is a translator by profession. Both of you are watching a foreign subtitled film together and suddenly your friend traces a mistake in the subtitle (inconsistent use of a noun or a pronoun for example). Expect a reaction of your ‘translator friend’ similar to that of a detective, who has just found a crucial clue of a murder case.

Feel bad with incorrect words usage in daily speech: Translators would show their annoyance when people around them use incorrect words in their daily speech. One might feel irritated by their attitude as a professional translator would interrupt in the middle of an interesting speech and correct the flaws. This attitude might bother people around them but this proves how concern they are with inconsistent usage of words in the everyday speech of their surrounding people.

Plays with words: Besides a translator, professional writers around the world carry similar attitude. Playing with words as in using synonyms and proof reading their own writing over and over again shows how professional they are with their work. With e-business being the new flavor of business, enterprises ensure to find SEO content writers to take care of their business content and copy writing requirements.

Avoids using a ‘LOL’ or a ‘Gd Nite’: It is a very common characteristic of a writer, translator or even passionate readers and writers that they dislike using abbreviations. Sometimes, they would feel sad on the thought that people do not have the time to use whole words. One would notice that lot of professional writers and translators using a ‘Ha Ha Ha’ instead of a ‘LOL’ in their text messages or a ‘good night’ instead of ‘gd nite’. They would also type messages in complete sentences and ensure proper usage of full stops. Such characteristic is a sign of respect that is shown towards the language and a part of their professionalism as well.

Gets furious if they spot a mistake in a restaurant menu card: There are many professional translators and writers, who are immensely passionate about words and their usages. They would get infuriated even if they find a single mistake in the restaurant menu. Be it a missing ‘s’ or a repetition of words, a translator would annoy everybody on the table by pointing mistake after mistake on the menu. If by chance you are present in such a situation and looking out to hire a professional translator for any purpose, you are surely on the right table!

With more businesses taking the digital route, the demands to get freelancers for online jobs has been high. One of the most demanded freelancers are writers and translators. Entrepreneurs and enterprises look to find SEO content writers to meet all kinds of their requirements. With the emergence of online freelancing sites, it has become easier to hire a translator or a web content writer on a freelance basis. All one needs to do is register on the site for free and post their requirements and get started with freelancers. Wide numbers of freelancers from different fields assemble on the online forum that provides a variety of choices to select for the employer of the concerned services.