4G : The Technological Innovation
Hello friends, this is Arunima Mukhopadhyay, and today i am going to discuss the recent trend in our mobile phone sector i.e. the 4G revolution.
In our developing country, we have seen many revolutions that took the world by the storm, and reached new heights. Our country has seen the previous wireless mobile telecommunications technologies, including the 2G and 3G. But now, technology has advanced, and so has the Telecommunication industry. We have reached one of the advanced technologies in the world- 4G.

The earlier trend ,i.e. 3G devices were good, but to survive in this competitive world, they will have to improve in areas like processing power and imaging for future 4G applications like holographic gaming, 12-16 megapixels cameras and HD camcorders. These will require more processing power, than all the current Handset offers, and also better and efficient application processors. This move to 4G networks will allow service providers to improve all their applications and also the users will upgrade to new and better phones.

I, myself have experienced the amazing network speed of 4-G, and will like to share my experience, with all. Earlier, I had a 3G connection, before the arrival of 4G in the mobile network sector. My flat is in the first floor, and my network was horrible. I had to use the landline for all the important calls. After using 4G, I can now tell this major difference between them. This amazing trend has really impressed me, and I would continue to look forward for more innovations in our technological field. Now I have proper network for 24 hours.
Thus, I would like to conclude my article, hoping that our country reaches great heights, by continuing the technological advancement in the digital and the wireless communication sector.