6 Types of the SEO tools that you should use
A short overview about the 6 must use seo tools for the webmasters and web owners.
If you want to compete in the world of SEO, you have to have the best tools at your disposal. They will help you avail new opportunities, monitor your SEO performance and save time at the same time. Ideally, you want to use 6 types of tools. Let’s talk about each type of tools in detail to find out how they work. Read on.
• Keyword research tools
• Tools for ranking
• Content idea tools
• Link building tools
• Link removal tools
• Technical SEO tools
1. Keyword Analysis
Without keywords, you can’t perform search engine optimization. Basically, it’s the keywords that guide users to a specific blog or site. So, you have to use them to get your site found on the web.
You can use Google AdWord Keyword Planner if you can’t spend on a paid tool. Another great consideration is SEMrush, which is a Freemium option.
2. Rankings Tools
It’s important to know the current rank of your site or blog. With this type of tool at your disposal, you can track the strategies that are giving you positive results. So, you can focus on the right ones. Again, you can use Google Search Console and SEMrush. There are some paid ones as well, but they will cost you money.
3. Content Ideas
If you are finding it hard to come up with content ideas, you have to have something to help you out. For this, you can give a go to Yoast WordPress Plugin, Buzzsumo and other tools. If you want to get the most out of your content writing efforts, you can use a the SEOMagnifier paraphrasing tool.
4. Link Building
Today, link building still helps webmasters rank better on the giant search engine Google if done the right way. You can use a variety of options to build broken links, such as LinkMiner Plugin and extensions by Moz.
5. Link Removal Tools
This tool can help you in case you need to save your site that has been hit by the Penguin algorithm update by Google. It can take you a lot of time, but can put new life into your site or blog. For link removal, you can try out Disavow tool (free) or CognitiveSEO (paid).
6. Technical SEO
If you can get into the back-end of a blog or website to know how it works and how the issues can be resolved, you may have to have some tools on your desk, such as WooRank Plugin and Screaming Frog.
There are some paid options as well, but as long as you don’t need to do an extensive research, you may want to stick to the free ones, as they can save you a lot of money.
In short, as said earlier, if you want your site to rank better, SEO is what you need to work on. And to make this job easier, you should have access to certain tools, especially the ones mentioned in this article. This guide by SEO magnifier will help you get the most out of your time and effort, and you will be able to succeed in your efforts and enjoy the desired results.