How to apply for an Indian Visa online
In order to visit India for tourism, business or any other reasons, all foreign nationalities are required to fulfill certain eligibility criteria and furnish valid travel documents such as the passport, visa, etc. While the visa applicant can opt for the regular method of application, an Indian visa can also be requested online. In case of regular visa application, the application form needs to be signed and submitted along with all other supporting documents at the concerned Indian Visa Application Center (IVAC) or directly to Indian Mission/ Post during the interview.
The Application Process Is Categorized Into The Following Steps:
● Online Application – The online application process involves filling in the application form, uploading the necessary documents such as the passport and the passport size photograph according to the specifications. Applicants are advised to use the latest Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome or Internet Explorer for best viewing and navigation experience. Additionally, the computer must have the latest Adobe Acrobat Reader to enable the download and printing of the completed application form.
● Payment of Visa Fee – Once the application is completed successfully, the applicant will be advanced to the payment page where he/she can pay the visa fee based on the visa type. The payment can be made through debit and credit cards. Based on the entry scheme, whether the visa will allow single, double or multiple visits, the visa fee will be calculated accordingly.
● Receiving the e-Visa – When the application form is submitted, the applicant will receive a reference/acknowledgement number which can be utilized to track the progress of the application process. If the visa application is approved, the applicant will receive the e-visa through an e-mail which is sent to the registered email ID. The applicants are advised to take a print out of the e-Visa and carry it at all times during the travel. If the visa application is rejected, the visa fee will not refunded.
E-Visa Application Requirements
Before initiating the application process, the applicant needs to keep the scanned documents in pdf format and photograph in jpg/jpeg format ready to be submitted. The following details are required to apply for an Indian visa online:
● Nationality of the applicant
● Port Of Arrival
● Date of Birth in DD/MM/YYYY
● E-mail ID
● Re-enter Email ID
● Expected Date of Arrival in DD/MM/YYYY
● Type of visa Service
○ E-Tourist Visa
○ E-Medical Visa
○ E-Business Visa
Visa Application Status
After submitting the application online, the reference/acknowledgement can be used to track the progress by following these simple steps:
● For Regular Visa Application - The Application ID can be seen on the receipt issued by Indian Mission/Agent where the application was submitted.
○ Visit - https://indianvisaonline.gov.in/visa/StatusEnquiry
○ Enter 12 characters Application ID
○ Passport Number
● For e-Visa Application - The Application ID can be found on the Acknowledgement Message and the printed Application Form. The following steps needs to be followed to obtain the visa status, Payment Status, and also to print e-Visa -
○ Enter 12 characters Application ID
○ Date of Birth in DD/MM/YYYY
○ Specify Nationality
○ Please enter above text
○ Check Status Advanced search for e-Visa only
Who Can Apply For An Indian E-Visa?
The foreigners who wish to visit India for recreation, sight-seeing, meeting friends or relatives, medical treatment, and business can apply for an Indian Visa. The visitors need a valid passport with at least six months of validity from the date of arrival in India. Additionally, the passport must have at least two blank pages for immigration Officer’s stamp. The visitors are also required to have sufficient funds to support their travel along with accommodation and daily expenses. Along with the other required documents, confirmed return tickets are also a part of the application procedure. The nationalities from the following country can apply for an e-Visa to India:
Albania Cook Islands Indonesia Nauru Slovenia
Andorra Costa Rica Ireland Netherlands Solomon Islands
Angola Cote d'ivoire Israel New Zealand South Africa
Anguilla Croatia Italy Nicaragua Spain
Antigua and Barbuda Cuba Jamaica Niger Republic Sri Lanka
Argentina Cyprus Japan Niue Island Suriname
Armenia Czech Republic Jordan Norway Swaziland
Aruba Denmark Kenya Oman Sweden
Australia Djibouti Kiribati Palau Switzerland
Austria Dominica Laos Palestine Taiwan
Azerbaijan Dominican Republic Latvia Panama Tajikistan
Bahamas East Timor Lesotho Papua New Guinea Tanzania
Barbados Ecuador Liberia Paraguay Thailand
Belgium El Salvador Liechtenstein Peru Tonga
Belize Eritrea Lithuania Philippines Trinidad and Tobago
Bolivia Estonia Luxembourg Poland Turks and Caicos Island
Bosnia and Herzegovina Fiji Madagascar Portugal Tuvalu
Botswana Finland Malawi Republic of Korea UAE
Brazil France Malaysia Republic of Macedonia Uganda
Brunei Gabon Mali Romania Ukraine
Bulgaria Gambia Malta Russia United Kingdom
Burundi Georgia Marshall Islands Rwanda Uruguay
Cambodia Germany Mauritius Saint Christopher and Nevis USA
Cameron Union Republic Ghana Mexico Saint Lucia Uzbekistan
Canada Greece Micronesia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Vanuatu
Cape Verde Grenada Moldova Samoa Vatican City-Holy See
Cayman Island Guatemala Monaco San Marino Venezuela
Chile Guinea Mongolia Senegal Vietnam
China Guyana Montenegro Serbia Zambia and Zimbabwe
China- SAR Hong Kong Haiti Montserrat Seychelles
China- SAR Macau Honduras Mozambique Sierra Leone
Colombia Hungary Myanmar Singapore
Comoros Iceland Namibia Slovakia
Guidelines For India Visa Application Process
● A foreigner can apply for a visa under one or multiple visa schemes listed as the e-Tourist visa, e-Business Visa, and e-Medical visa categories.
● The application must be initiated at least four prior to the planned travel date.
● Recent photograph with white background in Jpeg format. The width and height of the photograph must be equal and it should be size limit of 10 KB to 1 MB.
● Copy of the Passport which includes personal details such as the name, date of birth, nationality, expiry date, etc.
● Based on the type of visa, the applicant will be required to furnish additional document.
● The e-Visa fee is calculated based on the type of visa requested by the applicants and country/territory they are representing. The applicant can access the website - https://indianvisaonline.gov.in to determine the applicable charges.
● The biometric details of the applicant will be obtained during the Immigration Check while entering India.
● The e-Visa is valid for a maximum period of 60 days from the date of entering India.
● The e-Visa holders can enter India through 24 designated Airports and 3 designated seaports.
● E-visa can be granted for a maximum of two times to an applicant within the same calendar year i.e., from January to December.
Documents Required For E-Visa Application
● For e-Tourist Visa - Scanned Bio Page of the passport which shows the photograph and details of the applicant.
● For e-Medical Visa - Scanned Bio Page of the passport which shows the photograph and details of the applicant along with the copy of Letter from the concerned Hospital in India on its letterhead
● For e-Business Visa - Scanned Bio Page of the passport which shows the photograph and details of the applicant along with the copy of the business card. Depending on the nature of the business, the applicant may require submitting additional documents.
All documents are required to be submitted in English language only. The scanned PDF file should meet the size limit of 10 KB to 300 KB.
Contact details for Queries/Assistance
The e-visa application process can be carried out online without any assistance, it is designed to be simple and efficient.